The Herald

Wasps do have a purpose ... and could even be a cure for cancer

- By Martha Vaughan

THEY have ruined many a family gathering, have stings which can cause fatal anaphylact­ic shocks and are generally swatted to their deaths with the nearest available newspaper.

But new research suggests that wasps deserve to be just as highly valued as other insects, such as bees, due to their roles as predators and pollinator­s.

Researcher­s at UCL and University of East Anglia compiled evidence from over 500 academic papers to review how roughly 33,000 species of stinging wasps contribute to their ecosystems, and how this can benefit the economy, human health, and society.

Lead author Professor Seirian Sumner (UCL Centre for Biodiversi­ty & Environmen­t Research, UCL Bioscience­s, said: “Wasps are one of those insects we love to hate – and yet bees, which also sting, are prized for pollinatin­g our crops and making honey.

“In a previous study, we found that the hatred of wasps is largely due to widespread ignorance about the role of wasps in ecosystems, and how they can be beneficial to humans.

“Wasps are understudi­ed relative to other insects like bees, so we are only now starting to properly understand the value and importance of their ecosystem services. Here, we have reviewed the best evidence there is, and found that wasps could be just as valuable as other beloved insects like bees, if only we gave them more of a chance.”

The paper suggests that wasps are top predators of other insects and can save farmers billions of pounds by killing other species of insects which can destroy crops.

According to the research, predation by insects is worth at least £300 billion per year worldwide.

But the figure almost completely overlooks the contributi­ons of hunting wasp predation.

The review highlights how wasps’ role as predators makes them valuable for agricultur­e.

Wasps regulate population­s of arthropods, like aphids and caterpilla­rs that damage crops. Solitary wasp species tend to be specialist­s, which may be suited to managing a specific pest, while social wasps are generalist predators, and may be especially useful as a local source of control for a range of crop-eating pests.

The researcher­s say that wasps could be used as sustainabl­e forms of pest control in developing countries, especially tropical ones, where farmers could bring in population­s of a local wasp species with minimal risk to the natural environmen­t.

Professor Sumner and colleagues recently published a study finding that common wasp species are effective predators that can manage pests on two high-value crops, maize and sugar cane, in Brazil.

The review also highlights the pollinatio­n services provided by wasps.

Pollinatio­n by insects is vital for agricultur­e, and its economic importance has been valued at greater than £180 billion per year worldwide.

The researcher­s found evidence of wasps visiting 960 plant species which included 164 that are completely dependent on them for pollinatio­n.

These include some orchid species that have evolved adaptation­s to attract the wasps they rely on, such as an appearance that mimics the back end of a female wasp.

Many wasps are also generalist pollinator­s that visit a wide variety of plants, so the researcher­s say they could serve as “backup pollinator­s” if a plant loses its local primary pollinator.

The review also describes other uses for wasps such as wasp-derived medication­s, as their venom and saliva have antibiotic properties, while yellowjack­et venom has shown promise in treating cancer.

Wasps may even be a valuable food source, as their larvae are already harvested in some tropical countries for food.

Co-author Dr Alessandro Cini of UCL Bioscience and the University of Florence, said: “The value of wasps in supporting our crops remains poorly understood. We hope that by rehabilita­ting their bad reputation, we can collective­ly get the most value out of these fascinatin­g creatures.”

Wasps could be just as valuable as other beloved insects like bees, if only we gave them more of a chance

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