The Herald


- LORNE JACKSON „ ■ Contact The Diary on 07375 137824 or

Saucy remarks

DOUGLAS Stuart won the Booker Prize for his gritty Glasgow novel Shuggie Bain, though he long ago flitted from Scotland to the high-wattage dazzle of New York. However, Douglas admits that the Big Apple’s high watt sometimes turns into a: “Hey! What?!”

For example, he recently ordered a sandwich in a deli. “They ladled HOT ketchup all over it,” he shudders. “Like ketchup they warmed in an urn. It made the whole thing taste like it had been pre-chewed by someone else.” No doubt dreaming of the more dignified splendours of a poke of chips, Douglas concludes haughtily: “Not cool NYC.”

Debunked deities

OCCASIONAL­LY the Diary attempts to burrow inside the head of our glorious leader, who is also an avid reader, by checking out the literature on Nicola Sturgeon’s nightstand.

We hear she recently purchased a copy of Edith Wharton’s novel The Gods Arrive. With a title like that, perhaps Nicola assumes the book is about the momentous occasion when the mighty SNP first exploded on the scene.

Though a more cynical scholar of recent events might conclude that if the book was about the SNP, its title would be The Squabbling, Back-biting and Tearing Themselves Apart Mere Mortals Arrive.

Sporting fella

COMEDIAN Fred Macaulay has been immersing himself in the televised political debates that have showcased the talents of our magnificen­t Holyrood representa­tives, and he’s ever so impressed. “Regretting the cancellati­on of my BT Sport account,” he grunts.

Devil’s work?

WATCHING the TV news, Bill Hutcheson from Paisley was intrigued when the subtitles claimed Anas Sarwar was campaignin­g in Merry Hell.

This report was confusing for two reasons. First, it suggested that the chaps running Hell might be slacking when it comes to pitchforki­ng the local population. Second, it implied that Hell is a Scottish constituen­cy, winnable by Labour in the forthcomin­g election.

It transpired that the subtitles should have read Maryhill, not Merry Hell. Though it remains to be seen if that particular location is more winnable for Labour than Hades…

Bavarian boos

A TALE about rumbunctio­us French rugby fans reminds Barrie Crawford of playing a season in Bavaria, where the German fans were (slightly) more considerat­e than their Gallic counterpar­ts. The shout of displeasur­e at a referee’s decision was: “Schiri, ans Telefon!” i.e., “Ref, you’re wanted on the phone!”

Falling in love

AN unlikely tale from reader Ted Marshall: “I met my wife on the net. We were both bad trapeze artists.”

Painful pause

READER Graeme Jones says: “There’s only one thing worse than leaving someone in suspense…”

 ??  ?? Author Deedee Cuddihy spotted this sign near Glasgow University. Confused, she argues that, surely, it should be the other way round?
Author Deedee Cuddihy spotted this sign near Glasgow University. Confused, she argues that, surely, it should be the other way round?
 ??  ??

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