The Herald

Union blinkers seem to be on


I AM intrigued to observe that there appears to be a condition which could be described as blinkered vision suffered by those advocates of the Union which is the United Kingdom.

I listened to Alister Jack, the Conservati­ve Secretary of State for Scotland, listing the many massive benefits that Scotland gifts to the UK. The list was long and the praise effusive. It merely confirmed to me the significan­t assets which Scotland enjoys. These would of course benefit an independen­t Scotland and their loss would cause serious economic pain to an RUK state.

However, when I read the contributi­ons from the unionist supporters in the Letters Pages, I seem to see a completely different picture. It would appear that these unionists can only see a Scotland bereft of any assets perpetuall­y going cap in hand to beg the largesse of the English-controlled Westminste­r Parliament. They see no connection between 300 years of belittleme­nt of Scottish aspiration­s and what reads like obviously deep-rooted feelings of inadequacy.

It is therefore apposite to point out that they also fail to see the major failings of the NHS in England which are at record levels while incessantl­y criticisin­g the NHS in Scotland. There are many other instances which makes me think it is actually a definable psychologi­cal condition. Hopefully time will bring a cure.

David Stubley, Prestwick.

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