The Herald

Crime Domestic abuse incidents recorded by police reach 20-year high

- By Victoria Weldon

RECORDED domestic abuse incidents have reached a 20-year high, according to data, with police attending a “shameful” 63,000 call-outs in 2019/20.

Figures from the Scottish Government reveal that the number rose 4 per cent year on year and is almost double that recorded in 1999/2000. The report claims that an awareness campaign following the launch of new legislatio­n on controllin­g behaviour may have contribute­d to the increase, while the Scottish Government said it had committed additional funding to tackling domestic abuse.

However, opposition politician­s described the figures as “shameful”, claiming they should act as a wake-up call to ministers.

Scottish Women’s Aid said it was struck by the “sheer scale” of the incidents and warned that next year’s data is likely to be even worse due to the pandemic. Dr Marsha

Scott, CEO of the charity, said: “As usual, we are struck by the sheer scale of domestic abuse yet again – almost 63,000 ‘incidents’.

“If we remember that, according to the Scottish Crime & Justice Survey, only 11% of women disclose their abuse to police, it is obvious why we consider domestic abuse to be the single biggest human rights violation in Scotland.”

She added: “It is important to note that these statistics pre-date Covid in Scotland.

“We know that lockdown and restrictio­ns on movement offered powerful tools to abusers to control and coerce and reduced victim-survivors’ access to help and support, so next year’s data are likely to be even more concerning.”

According to the report, just

40% of the incidents (25,420) resulted in police recording a crime or offence.

Common assault was the most frequent offence recorded, accounting for 34%, followed by breach of the peace, which made up 26%.

New legislatio­n under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act, implemente­d on April 1, 2019, which addresses controllin­g and coercive behaviour, accounted for 4%, with 1,461 crimes recorded.

Pauline Mcneill, Scottish Labour’s justice spokespers­on, said: “These shameful figures must shock us into action.

“This report shows domestic abuse was a growing problem even before the pandemic began. The knowledge that things may well have gotten worse under the Covid19 restrictio­ns since makes these figures all the more alarming.

“More needs to be done across

Scottish society to tackle domestic abuse but we must see Police Scotland and the Scottish Government lead from the front.

“The police need to start using all the powers available to them and Scottish Labour have repeatedly called for specialist domestic abuse courts to finally be rolled out across the country so that victims get the protection and justice they deserve.”

Scottish Conservati­ves shadow justice secretary, Jamie Greene, added: “These figures show that the SNP have completely failed to tackle rising domestic abuse cases despite warnings from all quarters.

“It is clear that the SNP’S softtouch justice approach is not working with domestic abuse incidents having reached yet another record, shameful high. Those guilty of domestic abuse are simply not being properly punished.

“With over 150 domestic abuse incidents happening every single day in Scotland, these figures are an urgent wake-up call.”

The report showed that 82% of the domestic abuse incidents recorded had a male perpetrato­r and a female victim, 15% had a female perpetrato­r and male victim, while in 3% of cases both were of the same gender.

Those in the 26 to 30 age group had the highest rate of victims in the population.

In cases where identities could be verified, in 59% of incidents both the victim and accused had previously been recorded in an incident of domestic abuse.

Incidents of abuse were more likely to occur on Saturdays and Sundays than weekdays, while the most frequent location was at the victim’s home.

Cabinet Secretary for Justice Keith Brown said: “These statistics are a stark reminder of the unacceptab­le levels of domestic abuse that occur in Scotland.

“The new offence of domestic abuse has been heralded as goldstanda­rd legislatio­n in strengthen­ing the law against those who undertake a course of abusive behaviour, including both physical and psychologi­cal abuse.

“Last year we provided more than £5.75 million in additional funding for frontline services supporting women and children experienci­ng, or at risk of, violence or abuse, to help respond to an increase in demand during the pandemic.

“We welcome any indication that more people are coming forward to access justice and we continue to encourage all those who experience domestic abuse to report it.”

Scotland’s domestic abuse helpline can be reached on 0800 027 1234.

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