The Herald

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5 years ago

The British weather may have a part to play in deciding the EU referendum – with forecaster­s warning of “intense” showers and flooding on polling day. A low turnout could play into the hands of the Leave campaign with those favouring Brexit more intent on voting, according to pollsters. And some people may have other pressing issues to consider should Met Office warnings materialis­e and flooding hits parts of southeast England.

10 years ago

Lost folklore collected by Scotland’s answer to the Brothers Grimm are to published online. Among the hundreds of tales found in the notebooks of Alexander Carmichael are stories of a Hebridean Atlantis, magical water horses and Robert Burns’s murderous ancestors. Carmichael, who worked as a tax collector in the Highlands and Islands from around 1860, spent 50 years collecting the legends, songs and charms.

25 years ago

A television watchdog has rejected complaints from viewers that an advertisem­ent featuring attight-fisted Scot was racist. The commercial portrayed a Scot extolling the virtues of bargains to be found at DIY chain B&Q saying the store had never had better deals, with him adding “I should know. I’m a Scotsman.” Eleven viewers complained to the Independen­t Television Commission, saying that “such stereotypi­ng was racist”.

50 years ago

The Duke of Edinburgh , pictured, is disturbed that his speech at Ingliston on Monday had been taken as “anti-common Market in tone”, according to a statement issued yesterday by Buckingham Palace. The statement said: “The Duke of Edinburgh has always been very careful not to express any opinion on this subject. The context of his remarks on this occasion was the danger of treating agricultur­e as if it were simply a manufactur­ing industry.”

100 years ago

Two novel features will mark the annual inspection of Loch Katrine Waterworks, which members of the Corporatio­n of Glasgow will carry through today and tomorrow. For the first time lady councillor­s are taking part in the inspection, and on this occasion – probably only for the present occasion – the motor charabanc has been chosen instead of the railway train to convey the party to the Corporatio­n’s great Highland water undertakin­g.

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