The Herald

Farming laws that sparked year of protests are repealed by Indian politician­s

- New Delhi

INDIAN politician­s have repealed agricultur­al legislatio­n that provoked a year of nationwide protests by farmers, in a move seen as a major reversal and rare climbdown for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Government, which had ardently defended the controvers­ial reforms.

The Farm Laws Repeal Bill passed the lower and upper houses of parliament with scant debate, 10 days after Mr Modi announced the surprise decision to withdraw the three laws in a televised national address.

Protesting farmers have hunkered down in makeshift camps outside the capital of New Delhi since November last year to demand the removal of the laws, which they feared would drasticall­y shrink their incomes.

The repeal Bill will need to be signed by the President before it is formally implemente­d. But farmers have said their demonstrat­ions will continue. Just last week, thousands of jubilant farmers in tractors,

Jeeps and cars waved green and white flags as they drove around the roads ringing New Delhi to celebrate their victory, but they have made it clear the Government has not met all their demands.

Rakesh Tikait, one of the farmers’ leaders, said farmers needed government assurances of guaranteed prices for certain essential crops, like wheat and rice – a system introduced in the 1960s to help India shore up its food reserves and prevent shortages. He demanded the Government set up a committee to settle these demands before the famers consider ending their protests.

Farmers form one of India’s most influentia­l voting blocs. Mr Modi’s decision to scrap the new laws came ahead of elections early next year in key states like Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, both significan­t agricultur­al producers and states where his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is eager to shore up its support.

Mr Modi’s far-right Hindu nationalis­t party already holds power in Uttar Pradesh, but its support is under pressure over a struggling economy and the Government’s response to the pandemic.

If farmers desert the ruling party, it will not only shrink his prospects to form a state government for a second term but also weaken chances for the party to get an overwhelmi­ng majority in the 2024 national elections.

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