The Herald

Issue of the day

Liver and onions for tea?


WHEN was the last time you tucked into some liver and onions or some Baked Alaska? These delicacies are among a raft of traditiona­l British grub said to be at risk of dying out and some historic Scots fare is on the list too – even black pudding.

It’s been a while…

If it’s been a long time since you had liver and onions then you are not alone and in fact, a swathe of young “Gen Z” people – aged 18-29 – surveyed for a new poll revealed that they have never tried it at all, along with an array of other traditiona­l British fare, sparking fears some historic dishes could fizzle out over the generation­s.

What is at risk?

According to the new survey conducted by Sushi Daily – which operates more than 1,000 sushi kiosks across Europe – the top 20 most at-risk foods are jellied eels, with 65 per cent of those polled saying they have never tried them, followed by kedgeree – a dish consisting of cooked, flaked fish, boiled rice, parsley, hard-boiled eggs, curry powder and butter or cream. A romantic story in fact claims kedgeree was brought back to Scotland by a regiment serving in the Raj, but the survey found 54% had never tried it.

What other dishes are at risk?

It seems hard to believe in Scotland but haggis polled in third place, with 46% of the 1,500 Gen Z group saying they had never tasted it, while 42% have never had a well-done steak; 40% claimed not to have eaten Welsh rarebit and 39% were clueless about Baked Alaska. Other dishes rounding of the top 10 were liver and onions and pie and mash with liquor.

The rest…?

In 10th place is black pudding, with 32% saying they hadn’t tried it, while old style offerings such as spotted dick, bubble and squeak, Lancashire hot pot, the pub favourite of bread, cheese and pickle that makes up the Ploughman’s lunch and Arctic roll also out of youthful favour. The pork pie was in the 20th spot, with 18% claiming not to have indulged.

So why are some meals not as popular as they once were?

More than a third of those polled said their tastebuds are more sophistica­ted than those of their parents, with today’s youth more likely to dine on Asian cuisine than British – more than twothirds said they loved sushi. Ian Roberts of Sushi Daily, said: “Old, unhealthy, stodgy dishes are being replaced with more modern, healthier options including sushi and sashimi. This trend is reflected in the increasing popularity of our dishes at more than 100 Waitrose and Asda stores across the UK.”

So what are the favourites now?

The research indicates that among the nation’s favourite dinners are tacos, burritos, beef chow mein and spicy chicken madras.

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