The Herald

England can have its own system


IT seems that Trident and its future is the issue of the day, in The Herald, on the Today programme and with Andrew Marr putting in his five penceworth. There is no reason why an independen­t “Greater England” should not host its own WMD weapons system, and no reason why Scotland should carry on being a “first strike” target.

Scotland has no role in building these weapons, and refitting them was moved from Rosyth to Devonport for political reasons: a veto over their use, by Scotland as host country, would not be contemplat­ed, or feasible.

A10-year leasing arrangemen­t could easily be negotiated, allowing time for the constructi­on of new facilities down south, or they could temporaril­y be hosted in France or America.

Jackie Baillie talks of “flipfloppi­ng on ... our nuclear deterrent”, but it is Scottish Labour whose Trident policy is a shambles. And why on earth is Donald Cameron, the Scottish Conservati­ves’ constituti­on spokesman, content for Scotland to be a host to (and target of) nuclear weapons it has no commercial or military interest in? Does he envisage the Naval Base Clyde still being under Scottish legal jurisdicti­on, or would it be an enclave of England? I think a few serious questions to Mr Cameron would be instructiv­e, because it sounds as if he is making this nonsense up on the hoof.

By the by, I was based at

Faslane twice whilst serving in the Royal Navy, and the use of nukes was as contentiou­s among us “matelots” as among the civilian population – but we were mostly of the generation of the Cuba crisis.

GR Weir, Ochiltree.

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