The Herald

Videos released to explain sentencing


THREE new videos on sentencing young people have been released to explain the process to the general public.

The Scottish

Sentencing Council has published three short animated videos about guidelines for sentencing people under the age of 25.

Each video will look at the guidelines’ key themes: the importance of maturity in relation to the assessment of a young person’s culpabilit­y for an offence; why rehabilita­tion is a primary considerat­ion in sentencing; and the need to treat each young person on an individual basis.

The guidelines are informed by evidence such as how much the brain develops and what contribute­s to offending by young people.

Sheriff Principal Craig Turnbull, a judicial member of the council and chairman of its Sentencing Young People Committee, said: “We felt that a series of animated videos would be an effective way to explain these matters to a general audience in a straightfo­rward and visually interestin­g way.

“We hope that the videos will help to raise awareness and understand­ing of the guideline.

“The council is particular­ly keen for them to be seen and shared by young people .”

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