The Herald

Ditch this flawed school ethos


IT is reported that teachers at Bannerman High School, Glasgow, are threatenin­g to go on strike over violent and disruptive pupil behaviour. They have my sympathy. They should refuse to tolerate routine abuse and violence from pupils, taking strike action if necessary.

Sadly, the Scottish educationa­l establishm­ent seems utterly incapable of addressing the issue of deteriorat­ing behaviour. The Scottish Government, Education Scotland, the General Teaching Council for Scotland, the teaching unions and, unfortunat­ely, much of the teaching profession, are in the thrall of “restorativ­e approaches”. Under this utopian ideology, punishment is deemed ineffectiv­e, unnecessar­y, and counter-productive. Mini counsellin­g sessions are all that is required to keep even the most recalcitra­nt miscreant in check. As chaos engulfs one classroom after another as a direct result of this delusional project, all that the “experts” can prescribe is more of the same. Teachers need to rebel against the idealistic strategies imposed from above by people who read about the latest educationa­l fashions rather than teach children.

In the Scottish Parliament, opposition parties willingly describe the problem, but offer no solution. Vital and fundamenta­l questions of educationa­l philosophy are entirely neglected by a whole establishm­ent marinated in a stifling monocultur­e. Attempts to open up discussion­s of foundation­al presupposi­tions are usually met with bemused incomprehe­nsion – it’s like speaking a foreign language.

We are sacrificin­g a generation on the altar of a flawed and failing ideology. It’s got to stop.

Richard Lucas, Leader, Scottish Family Party, Glasgow.

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