The Herald

Mortgage payments to rise by a total of £26bn

- By Vicky Shaw

MORE than five million households are predicted to see their annual mortgage payments rise by an average of £5,100 between now and the end of 2024, according to a think-tank.

Some £1,200 of the average increase predicted reflects higher expectatio­ns of interest rate rises since the “mini-budget”, the Resolution Foundation said.

The number of mortgages on the market nosedived following the mini-budget. Lenders have gradually been bringing back new deals but have priced their rates upwards.

Yesterday, counted 3,112 mortgage products available, compared to 3,961 on the day of the mini-budget.

The average two and five-year fixed mortgage rates on the market are at their highest levels since 2008, standing at 6.47 per cent and 6.29%, respective­ly.

The Foundation, which is focused on improving the living standards of those on low-to-middle incomes, emphasised that its mortgage cost estimates are “very sensitive to fiscal, as well as monetary, policy developmen­ts in the months and years ahead”.

While some homeowners on variable rate deals will see their costs increase immediatel­y, the impact on the majority of mortgaged homeowners, who are on fixed-rate mortgages, will build over the coming years as they move off lower rates on to new deals, the Foundation said.

By the end of 2024, 5.1 million mortgaged households – or nearly one fifth of UK households – will be spending more on their housing costs as a result of increases in mortgage rates since the third quarter of 2022, according to the research.

In total, mortgage payments are set to rise by £26 billion a year by the end of 2024, the Foundation said.

The think-tank also said that, although higher income households on average will face the biggest increases in mortgage costs in cash terms, it is lower-income families with mortgages who face the biggest increases as a share of their income.

By early 2025, half of all mortgaged households, or 3.8 million in total, will have seen higher mortgage costs absorb at least 5% of their net household income, including around two million households who will have lost at least 10% of their household income, according to the projection­s.

Some households may be able to avoid higher costs by, for example, using savings to reduce their mortgage balance.

The foundation said it also noted that a higher interest rate climate will create “winners” as well as “losers”, with higher rates potentiall­y benefittin­g retired savers and those saving up to buy their first home.

The report added: “Regardless of how the future unfolds, it is fair to assume that higher interest rates will cause not only (often serious) problems for a very large number of households, but have significan­t political ramificati­ons as well.”

The foundation’s analysis also indicates that there was a smaller share of mortgaged households among Conservati­ve voters in 2019 compared to Labour or SNP voters, at 33%, compared to 40% and 41%, respective­ly.

Lindsay Judge, research director at the Resolution Foundation, said: “Households across Britain are currently living through an inflation-driven cost-of-living crisis as pay packets shrink and energy bills rise.

“The Government has responded with policies such as the welcome Energy Price Guarantee. But the Bank of England is responding too by raising interest rates, which will benefit savers but cause a fresh living standards crunch for mortgaged households across Britain.

“Between now and the next election, Britain is on track for a £26 billion mortgage hike as over five million households see their annual mortgage payments rise by £5,100, on average.

“With almost half of all mortgagor households on course to see their family budgets fall by at least 5% from higher payments, the living standards pain from rising interest rates will be widespread.”

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