The Herald

Inept display by Truss is a reminder that the Conservati­ves have run out of ideas


IF there was a time for Liz Truss to rid herself of her reputation as a wooden and uninspirin­g speaker, to rally her mutinous Conservati­ve troops behind her and – most importantl­y – to convince the British people that she is a serious politician, worthy of their support, it was her media conference at Downing Street yesterday afternoon.

True to form, she let us down again, in a mere eight minutes. In such serious times the country deserved better than the Prime Minister’s characteri­stically chilly, grudging appearance before the television cameras.

Given the trauma she has generated within and outwith her party, given the economic uncertaint­ies that darken her future and ours, given her dismissal of her Chancellor just a few hours earlier, the briefing would have been the perfect opportunit­y for Ms Truss to express contrition, to be candid about her philosophy and her aims, and to show the voters her more human side.

We got none of that. Her performanc­e instead succeeded in adding weight to the perceptive observatio­n by the polling expert Professor Sir John Curtice, who believes that Ms Truss has two problems: “One is that she isn’t really liked; her personalit­y is not one that warms the general public. Secondly, she is regarded as incompeten­t.”

Moreover, Ms Truss at the briefing gave no plausible reason why she is the best person to take Britain forward when the country faces so many daunting challenges.

What we did get was of líttle surprise. She repeated her dogged mantra about seeking to achieve economic stability, with only the vaguest explanatio­n as to how this might come about.

There was an acknowledg­ement that some elements of Kwasi Kwarteng’s minibudget had gone further and faster than the markets were expecting – even though this was in contrast to her previous assertions that market turmoil had been due to global factors and not the ill-starred fiscal statement itself.

She expressed brisk regret that Mr Kwarteng was no longer by her side, gave a brief, neutral word of welcome to his successor, Jeremy Hunt, and, as predicted, announced a U-turn over the rise in corporatio­n tax.

Watching the flinty, brusque Ms Truss at the lectern, batting away media questions and disappeari­ng after ceding the microphone to just four journalist­s, it was very difficult to suppress the thought: have the Conservati­ves, long the “natural party of government”, really come to this?

Some of the party’s recent leaders – David Cameron and Boris Johnson come to mind – have been more natural communicat­ors than others – Theresa May and, emphatical­ly, Ms Truss. Had it been Mr Johnson at the lectern, we would have known what to expect: the rumpled appearance, rueful expression­s of regret, an apology or three, and pledges to do things better in the future and to learn from mistakes made.

Journalist­s at yesterday’s briefing were appalled that, on such a pivotal day for Ms Truss’s premiershi­p, she treated their questions with disdain. More pertinentl­y, many of her senior colleagues were left aghast. As one Conservati­ve MP was

swift to remark: “Even by her standards, that was really bad”. Another said she was “embarrassi­ngly robotic”. A third, hitherto a supporter of Ms Truss, now takes the view that the party has become a laughing stock

The suspicion remains that Ms Truss is not merely a disastrous­ly bad communicat­or but is simply not up to the job of Prime Minister.

She may have been diligent in seeking to replace Mr Johnson – think of those sprightly ‘Fizz with Liz’ meetings she held, very early in the process – but, having attained high office, she has made it painfully evident that her ambitions have long outstrippe­d her abilities.

Even if the mini-budget she crafted with Mr Kwarteng was in places well

intentione­d, it was undone by hubris.

So where do we stand now? Will Ms Truss’s appointmen­t of Jeremy Hunt, who after all was an outspoken supporter of Rishi Sunak during the leadership campaign, buy her time and restore some economic equilibriu­m?

Will Ms Truss’s colleagues, including the 1922 Committee, take her dismal performanc­e yesterday as the final straw, and try to replace her with Mr Sunak and Penny Mordaunt, perhaps via a truncated leadership election campaign?

Ms Truss herself gives no sign of wanting to go to the country. But the continuing, vocal unrest on her own side – and the fact that the 45p income-tax rate for higher earners was dropped because, despite a Government majority of more than 70, it could not get through the Commons – suggests how little room for manoeuvre she now has.

The wider, inescapabl­e thought is that, in the 12 years since Cameron defeated Gordon Brown, the Conservati­ves have run out of ideas. It may well be 14 years by the time of the next election.

The party has given us austerity and “partygate”, and has taken us out of Europe while keeping Scotland as part of the Union. It dealt with the Covid-19 outbreak, even if there is widespread concern over the peremptory way in which it shut down Britain. Mr Johnson deserves praise for the swiftness with which he recognised Ukraine’s need for aid after Russia invaded in February.

But, due in good measure to external factors, the economy remains in the doldrums. Productivi­ty levels are dire. The levelling-up programme went nowhere. Much remains to be done before Britain has an assured, post-brexit future. The Northern Ireland Protocol issue has not gone away.

Energy has become expensive, inflation is forbidding­ly high, the NHS and the social care system are in crisis, and growth is low. Widespread industrial action looms on the horizon.

The Government’s reputation for economic competence is in shreds. As the former Chancellor, Philip Hammond, said yesterday, the Conservati­ve Party under Ms Truss had “thrown away years and years of painstakin­g work to build and maintain a party of fiscal discipline and competence in government”.

And yet the Government looks tired and dispirited. It lacks direction and, having split into so many factions, is feuding with itself. That so many Tory MPS stayed away from the recent conference in Birmingham speaks to a distinct sense of fatigue and a lack of faith in the woman who now occupies No 10.

All government­s run out of steam, sooner or later. For all that they achieved in office, it happened to Margaret Thatcher and to Tony Blair.

If Brexit taught us anything, it is difficult to predict what might happen over the next two years. But the erratic nature of Ms Truss’s time in office so far – its U-turns and its lack of direction, her damaging inability to sell her own policies, and the fact that she has made so many potent enemies within her own ranks, who will not cease until she has gone – is of precious little comfort.

The suspicion remains that Ms Truss is not merely a disastrous­ly bad communicat­or but is simply not up to the job

 ?? ?? Liz Truss addressing yesterday’s Downing Street briefing
Liz Truss addressing yesterday’s Downing Street briefing

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