The Herald

Putting state schools to shame


LIZ Truss has boasted that she is the first Prime Minister to have been educated in a comprehens­ive school. In the past few weeks since that election, her performanc­e as Prime Minister has been such as to bring comprehens­ive education into disrepute.

Her colleagues from the public and grammar schools will use her ministeria­l career to stress the importance of selective education. They will point to her lack of planning, her refusal to seek guidance, and her inability to follow through on her “policies” as proof that those from comprehens­ive schools are unfit for high office.

As someone educated in, and having spent my career in, comprehens­ive schools, I would ask her to refrain from insulting the successful system that predominat­es in Scotland.

TJ Dowds, Cumbernaul­d.

I’M old enough to remember the Second World War when £1 was worth four US dollars, Labour’s Aneurin Bevan classing Tories as “lower than vermin”, Eden’s Suez fiasco, Macmillan’s “Never had it so good”, Wilson’s “pound in your pocket”, Heath and Barber’s “dash for growth” (we know how that ended), the former’s long huff, Callaghan’s “Winter of Discontent”, Thatcher’s Falklands and “the lady’s not for turning”, Major’s Cabinet of “bastards”, Blair’s Iraq, Brown’s “no more Boom and Bust”, Cameron’s EU referendum, Brexit bilge, the wayward Johnson, a never-ending referendum, and now Truss fantasy economics.

It’s been quite a ride. Please excuse while I take a break to wring the digits and gnash the old pearly whites.

Then, to quote the late admirable Fidelma Cook, it’s “upwards and onwards”.

R Russell Smith, Largs.

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