The Herald

The Union will never be the same again after this debacle


A LOT of heat has been generated in the last few days over Nicola Sturgeon’s use of the word “detest”. I am therefore quite happy to put it on record that I also detest the Tory Party, at least in its current incarnatio­n. I also will put on record that I don’t detest Tories. One of my best and longest-standing friends of 50 years is an inveterate, unshakeabl­e Tory, and I mean a Telegraph, Express and Mailreadin­g Tory of the most incorrigib­le kind, and yet we get along fine (most of the time; it’s unlikely he’ll read this). I also have several other Tory friends who are thoroughly decent people and amusing, convivial company who will be looking aghast at recent goings-on.

I accept though that Nicola Sturgeon should have been more explicit on why she detests the Tory Party, although I doubt that she would have had the time in a short political interview, so if she will forgive me I will have a go on her behalf: I started detesting the Tory Party around 1980 when Margaret Thatcher ripped the heart out of industrial Scotland (and the UK) in a deliberate attempt, first to destroy the trade union movement, and second to destroy our industrial base, so that Britain could become the great car-owning, home-owning service economy of her fantasies, centred of course on the City of London where all her cronies and funders lived.

As the famous myth of trickledow­n economics failed, and reliance on the City of London finally imploded (ironically under a New Labour government) I found no reason to change my views on the Tory Party, but then had to change my opinion of the Labour Party as well. Subsequent­ly, when the Conservati­ve/libdem coalition of 2010 imposed the austerity policies (which are the fundamenta­l reasons for our current plight) led eventually to the debacle of Brexit under the Cameron-osborne Tory government, my detestatio­n of the Tory Party was well and truly confirmed.

I could go on with many other reasons for detesting the Tory Party but your readers will possibly have read enough. Something good can come of this though: British politics, and the Union, will never be the same after this debacle, and I believe that the UK will look very different in five years’ time.

John Jamieson, Ayr.

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