The Herald

Police officer is cleared of raping woman


A POLICE officer has been found not guilty of raping a woman at her home.

David Stansbury, 43, who was accused of sexually assaulting a woman in her home in Plymouth, Devon, was acquitted by a unanimous jury.

Sergeant Stansbury, of Ilminster, Somerset, denied three counts of rape between October 23 and November 30, 2009, in a trial that lasted three weeks.

He was found not guilty of the charges on yesterday after a jury deliberate­d for six hours and 48 minutes. Sgt Stansbury was emotional as he left the courtroom.

Judge William Hart said: “Mr Stansbury you are discharged, you are free to leave the dock.”

The judge thanked the jury for their time calling it a “demanding and tense trial for everybody concerned”.

Bristol Crown Court had heard that Sgt Stansbury, who was an officer with Devon and Cornwall Police at the time, had been called to the woman’s address and took her statement after a suspect had tried to smash her door in.

The alleged victim said he returned to her home in the days following her original 999 call, when she was drunk and had drugs in her home.

The allegation­s against Sgt Stansbury were made when the woman was in the back of a police van after being arrested at a disturbanc­e in 2020 and told the officers she had been assaulted.

She told the officers she did not go to the police earlier because she was afraid that as a drug and alcohol user, her family would be taken away.

Sgt Stansbury told the court that he did not rape the woman and insisted he does not remember her or the attempted break-in at her home.

During his evidence to the court, he said his accuser had “told a complete lie”.

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