The Herald

FOUR OF THE BEST For The Love Of Dogs with Alison Hammond


STV, 8pm

For 11 years, the much–loved and much–missed Paul O’grady was the face of this series. During that period, he helped rehome hundreds of dogs, populising the idea of ‘adopt not shop’ along the way. Some thought the show would end with his death last year, but new host Alison Hammond is determined to continue his legacy. She takes over for the

12th run, and takes to the job like a duck to water, rolling up her sleeves at Battersea Dogs and Cats Home by bottle–feeding an abandoned three– day–old pup.

Michael Palin In Nigeria Channel 5, 9pm

He’s now 80 years of age, but the former Monty Python member hasn’t lost any of his passion for exploratio­n. As a result, he’s back on our screens in a three–part documentar­y which sees him visit a country he’s never been to before – and as he’s been making TV travelogue­s for the best part of 40 years, there can’t be many of those left. Nigeria has Africa’s biggest economy and population, with 70 per cent of its residents under the age of 25. Sadly, many of them are living in poverty. The first episode sees Palin take to the streets of Makoko, which is often described as the continent’s biggest slum. However, as you many expect from a man who always seems to view life with the glass half full, he has a rather different opinion.

It’s Showtime! STV, 9pm

In May 2022, the racehorse Showtime Mahomes defeated a group of highly regarded favourites to win at York. It was an unexpected victory, the latest chapter in the steed’s remarkable life. Now we’re getting to know more about him courtesy of this documentar­y, which introduces viewers to his owners, a syndicate of working class men from Darlington who clubbed together to buy Showtime on a whim after enjoying a few beers one evening. But can the equine hero continue winning?

Danny Dyer: How To Be A Man Channel 4, 10pm

With traditiona­l gender roles supposedly a thing of the past, the ex–eastender wants to know what it means to be a man in the 21st century – and no doubt he’ll be bringing his trademark charisma to the situation, which makes the two– part programme a must–see. In the first episode, he learns about toxic masculinit­y while chatting to his brother Tony, a man Dyer describes as ‘the least toxic man I know’. He also meets those on the opposite side of the fence. Dyer’s investigat­ion ends on Wednesday with an insight into mental health.

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