The Herald - Herald Sport



the virus until the summer at least so that the NHS can cope, infection rates are slashed and the virus is exposed to heat of the sun which apparently kills it.

Yes, I know this is Scotland but June is actually one of our sunniest months, and we should be praying for a miracle – a heatwave that runs through May and June.

Even if the sunshine is its usually watery worst, it will still help to beat the virus and at the least it will cut the admission rates to hospital for non-virus problems, as emergency admission rates are always better in summer. That way the NHS can cope with what we know is coming over the next two months – the peak of Covid-19 followed by the flattening of the curve.

After the summer, or maybe even during it if we are lucky, Scottish rugby and football can get going again, using the PRO14 criteria as a guide. The arguments over who are the righteous champions in every sporting league in the UK will be rendered null and void as the season will be completed and while there will have to be an adjustment to season 202021, it is surely not beyond the wit of governing bodies to come up with a way ahead that gets the new seasons started before the end of this calendar year – if the virus permits, obviously.

The Six Nations should resume later this year and if possible the Ireland v Italy game should be played four or five days before a final day in which all six nations take part and the title is decided. Ideally that would happen before the Autumn Tests – what a curtain raiser that would be.

The European competitio­ns and PRO14 season would then be concluded before the Six Nations of 2021 takes place – and if that needs to be postponed then so be it.

Rugby and all sports need to decide on their priorities and right now the priority is beating Covid-19. If we need to be patient to end season 2019-20 then so be it, and the PRO14 organisati­on has shown the way ahead for everyone in this dilemma.

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