The Herald - Herald Sport

Martindale: Ref cost us victory


LIVINGSTON manager David Martindale says he was disappoint­ed not to win against Celtic after feeling refereeing decisions went against his side during the 2-2 draw at the Tony Macaroni Arena.

The Livingston boss was frustrated as Nir Bitton scored Celtic’s second goal from an offside position, and then felt his men were denied a penalty late on.

“I thought the boys were brilliant, “Martindale said.

“We go a goal up and Celtic came back into the game, and we allowed them too many passes in our half and never got close enough to the ball.

“We end up going in 2-1 down at half-time, and I got into a couple of boys and they answered me in the second half. I was delighted for them.

“Celtic went to 10 men and I felt we were a wee bit unlucky not to win the game at that point. We should have had a stonewall penalty and I think Celtic’s second goal was offside too.

“We didn’t have many chances in the first half to be honest, but they were good quality chances that we should have done better with.

“It’s very similar to Saturday, but I’m just delighted for the boys. We’re seeing it as a positive, but we’re a wee bit frustrated because I think we could have got a bit more out of the game.”

Martindale is now looking forward to the weekend’s League Cup semi-final, and he will also find out at last if he has passed the SFA’s fit and proper person test next Tuesday.

“I’m obviously biased, but I’m a big believer in rehabilita­tion as I’ve been through the system. Without rehabilita­tion I wouldn’t be standing here.

“There’s got to be a rehabilita­tion process, and hopefully I am testament to [the fact] that it works.”

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