The Herald - Herald Sport

McKay laments fans’ ‘waste of a good cup and a pie’


BARRIE McKAY has described what it was like being pelted by objects while taking a corner for Hearts at Celtic Park, saying that he was likely targeted because he used to play for Rangers.

McKay was struck by a bottle and also had cups and pies thrown at him from the ‘North Curve’ section of the stadium – where Celtic fan group the Green Brigade are situated – with a 24-year-old man was arrested yesterday in connection with throwing the bottle that hit him on the back.

McKay said he approached referee Bobby Madden about the missiles raining down on him when he took corners during the second half, but was told to let the stewards deal with it.

“It wasn’t easy,” McKay said. “Due to my history at Rangers, that’s probably why.

“It’s hard to really stop it, you need to deal with it. It wasn’t nice being hit by a bottle for the first time in my career. I think it was full as well.

“It started with a cup and pie – which is a waste of a good cup and a pie! There were a few coins going past my head and then obviously the bottle.

“I spoke to the ref and he said that’s why the stewards were over there. But then you go to hit another one and there are still coins and stuff flying past.

“It’s dangerous. If one of those catches you, it could cause some serious harm. It’s hard not to be distracted but you need to try and put it to the back of your mind.

“The first corner I managed to put it in for Stephen (Kingsley), and we created a few chances. But it’s difficult. I’ve had abuse and that before when I have gone over to take corners.

“But I have never had anything thrown at me – or hit me – before.”

The bitter taste that left in McKay’s mouth was only matched by Hearts’ failure to take anything from a match he feels they deserved at least a draw from, with the winger having perhaps their best opportunit­y of the night as he latched onto the ball following a stumble by Gary MackayStev­en.

“When I played Gaz through I fancied him to score but obviously he lost his footing

and it fell to me,” he said.

“I was just thinking about getting my head down, making contact and keeping it low. It was a tight angle and the keeper and defenders were coming out as well.

“It was just past the post and probably summed up the chances we had. We just couldn’t convert. The good thing was we created them. With the players we have in this team we will do that. It’s just getting them to go and take advantage of it.

“We were unlucky not to do that. Kingsley had a great chance and if he gets more on it he probably hits the target and scores and we are right back in the game. It just wasn’t to be.

“They had chances as well and Craig (Gordon) has pulled off some great saves.

“We went out there after half-time and we chased the game. We go into every game looking to win and that’s what we tried to do in the second half. We had chances and we limited them more.

“It just wasn’t to be and we’ll move on from it and look to Livingston.”

McKay’s frustratio­n was further compounded by the knowledge that Celtic’s goal on the night from Kyogo appeared to be scored from an offside position.

“You could see it on the screen in the stadium that he was offside and then you see it again after,” he said. “But these decisions are made and we can’t change them now. “The way our defenders reacted you could see they knew, and then you see it on the screen and he does look it.”

 ?? ?? Barrie McKay was pelted with missiles by Celtic supporters
Barrie McKay was pelted with missiles by Celtic supporters

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