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IWAS training in Sweden when I crashed and landed on my back on a boulder. It was such a flat, easy section of the course and I wasn’t even going that fast. I tripped and fell and I saw rocks and thought, “Oh no – my skis will be wrecked.” After I landed, I tried to speak to my coach but I couldn’t say anything as I was so winded and felt sick. I was in shock and my back was really painful but because I was wearing my back protector, I wasn’t too worried. I was training in a remote area so it took quite a long time to get off the hill. The weather was so bad we had to use an ambulance.

I spent eight hours strapped to a backboard during the 250km journey to the hospital. The more time went on, the more I began to worry about how serious my injuries were. I kept asking: “Are we there yet?” like Donkey from Shrek.

I had fractured four of the transverse processes on the left side of my lumbar spine, the bits that stick out from the vertebrae.

I was on painkiller­s and a drip and I felt sleepy but as it got more painful, I began to think: “What am I going to do? I can’t take time out,” and all that stuff. I had really big goals for this year. My training was going well, everything was coming together and I felt positive. I was so excited to qualify for my first senior championsh­ips in February, the World Championsh­ips in Vail, Colorado. Hopefully I can still make it. It’s a great motivator and something to aim for.

I’m working with sportscotl­and Institute of Sport in Stirling on my rehabilita­tion which involves different exercises to build up my strength and mobility as well as easy stuff like walking, swimming and the static bike. I’m taking it one day at a time and I’m feeling positive. Being able to swim was a big step. I’m definitely making progress every day and I’ve been back on the slopes at Cairngorm.

Everything I do revolves around skiing and training so this is the longest time I’ve had off in four years. It was my 21st birthday on December 30 and I was supposed to have been in Austria to race.

My family have helped a lot and I’ve had so many messages of support. My friends have also visited me with movies and books.

I realise how extremely lucky I am that my injuries are not more severe and I won’t suffer any long- term damage.

I had worn a back protector for speed events but not Slalom and Giant Slalom.

My coach, Stefan Moser, insisted on me wearing one and I said: “OK, let me think about it,” and made excuses not to wear it.

He said he wasn’t going to coach me if I didn’t wear it and thank God I did. I owe him so much. It made all the difference. It’s a huge reality check.

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