The Herald - The Herald Magazine


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ITHOUGHT I would try something a little different to mark the new year — and this creamy sauce served with poultry fits the bill. Vin jaune is an unusual wine from the Jura region of France made using a grape called savagnin. The production process is similar to that used for fino sherry which allows the wine to acquire its distinct flavours, characteri­stic of walnut, almond, spice and apple. It is perfect for this sauce.


Serves 4

100g butter 2 shallots 1 garlic clove 200ml white wine 200ml cream 125ml vin jaune wine 500ml chicken stock 4 guinea fowl breasts 200g whole button mushrooms Start by making the sauce. Take a large saucepan and add the butter, then place it on a medium heat to melt. Peel and finely slice the shallots and garlic and add them to the saucepan, sweating them gently without colour until translucen­t.

Add the white wine and reduce over a high heat until it is almost evaporated, then add the vin jaune. Bring it to the boil. Then add the chicken stock.

Reduce the sauce quickly until reduced by half, then remove from the heat and add the cream. Strain the sauce through a sieve into a pan big enough to hold the sauce and guinea fowl breasts. Bring the sauce back to the boil. Then lower the heat to just under a simmer.

Season the guinea-fowl breasts all over with salt, add them to the sauce and poach lightly for 15 minutes, maintainin­g a steady heat. Add the mushrooms and continue to poach for a further 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the contents to rest for 10 minutes. Place the guinea fowl breasts on warm plates, spoon a little of the sauce over each and serve. Martin Wishart is the proprietor of Restaurant Martin Wishart in Leith, Martin Wishart at Loch Lomond and The Honours in Glasgow and

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