The Herald - The Herald Magazine

Best buys for this year’s three-child family


THE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have taken the newest addition to their brood – baby Prince Louis – home, but having three young heirs to the throne to cart around brings its own set of considerat­ions. The biggest is child seat law. With three young children, William and Kate will need a car capable of accommodat­ing three highbacked child seats.

Astonishin­gly, at our last check, there’s nothing on their current fleet that will actually do this. With that in mind, we’ve come up with a few options for the newly enlarged royal family – all of which can comfortabl­y accommodat­e three child seats.


This seven-seat SUV is immensely popular among family buyers and provides a sufficient­ly regal air along with bags of room inside. It’s decent to drive, is offered with a wide array of engines and, best of all, is guaranteed not to get bogged down in the Scottish countrysid­e.


Moving up the market but down in size, the Sport actually offers more seats than the full-sized Range Rover. It’s also leaner and better-looking but will still fit in beautifull­y pulling up to any state banquet. Best of all, it can be had with the incredible 525bhp supercharg­ed V8 engine, making for one of the fastest people-movers on the planet.


At some point you may have to bite the bullet and admit an MPV makes most sense. With a cavernous interior, wide-opening doors and three rows of seats, there’s nothing that can swallow up kids and their clobber quite like a people-carrier. The

This is one of the cheapest ways into threerow motoring. Unashamedl­y van-based, the Doblo isn’t pretty, nor is it fast, or premium, or good to drive, or feature-packed . . . but it’s big, comfy and spacious. And cheap. Very cheap. Try and remember that.


This is one of the best seven-seat SUVs with room in all three rows for child seats and one of the most premium interiors on sale today. And if you want discretion, say no

 ??  ?? Three’s a crowd with, clockwise from top, the Volvo XC90, the Land Rover Discovery and the Audi Q7
Three’s a crowd with, clockwise from top, the Volvo XC90, the Land Rover Discovery and the Audi Q7
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