The Herald - The Herald Magazine

Solace for the week-minded


WHEN I was young and still working class – instead of déclassé like I am today, ken? – I was paid weekly and thought that the natural order of things. It made it easier to budget, to live within your paltry means, instead of running out on the fourth or even third week of any month.

The shift to bourgeois monthly payments for everybody was a terrible imposition on folk living from week to week. Back in the day, rent and most other bills would be weekly. You put money in a meter for the leccy. In fact, I remember putting money in a meter on the telly.

The shift to everything being monthly should have provoked the poor to revolution but, as usual, it ended up just me standing at the gates of Edinburgh Castle with my battery-operated, flame-effect burning brand.

Now, a Scottish financial technology firm, Hi55 Ventures, is offering a service that will let workers get their wages weekly or even daily. Good luck to them. For, if a week is a long time in poverty, a month is a veritable eternity.

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