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A brief history of disaster

The world’s response to Covid-19 is assessed – and found wanting



Niall Ferguson

Allen Lane, £25


IGOT the Rockin’ Pneumonia on the Boogie Woogie Flu.” That was a popular song by Hughie “piano” Smith that charted in August 1957. The flu in question was the Asian flu epidemic that hit America and Britain in 1957/8. It killed 1.1 million people worldwide and 116,000 in America alone. Hard to imagine anyone writing a novelty song about coronaviru­s. Imagine the reaction on Twitter.

Perhaps we were made of harder stuff back in the day. Or maybe government­s just coped with crises better in the 20th century. They had plenty of practice with two world wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War and pandemics of TB and Diphtheria as well as Spanish Flu. This at any rate is the view of the historian, Niall Ferguson, who wants to know why government­s in Britain and America performed so badly this time round.

With our vast epidemiolo­gical knowledge, massive budgets, immense man and woman power why were we so unprepared? Left scrabbling for basic PPE? Why was track and trace a £39bn disaster? Why did we persuade ourselves that coronaviru­s was just another flu, and not learn from the SARS and MERS epidemics in South East Asia? Even popular culture had been ahead of the curve. The 2011 film Contagion was almost a resume of Covid-19, right down to things like R numbers and the malign role of social media in spreading fake news.

Some blame racism for our epidemiolo­gical myopia. But that doesn’t really make sense. Government­s weren’t just not listening to non-white Asian countries, they weren’t listening to their own white advisers – legions of them. In the US, there had been advanced pandemic planning since 2006, when Congress passed a Pandemic Preparedne­ss Act It culminated in the 2018 National Biodefence Strategy. In Britain, Exercise Cygnus, in 2016, simulated a pandemic and warned that the NHS would not cope.

For Ferguson it’s personal. He says he warned about the nature of the pandemic back on January 26, 2020, when the World Health Organisati­on was still insisting there was no evidence of human-to-human spread. He came down with what was almost certainly a version of Covid-19 himself. Why, he asks, was a historian able to see what was coming better than the Government and public health bureaucrac­ies?

Covid-19 was not a “black swan” event – something unexpected that caught us unawares. It was what Ferguson calls a “grey rhino”: something dangerous we knew about, could see coming towards us, and yet we still did nothing about. Ferguson has no time for Donald Trump, a bull in a china shop, and rightly accuses him of complacenc­y, confusion and wilful ignorance. But he also says that reducing it to personalit­ies is too easy.

Ferguson blames top-heavy, hierarchic­al administra­tive bureaucrac­ies for the failure to avoid the rhino. It was what he variously calls “bureaucrat­ic sclerosis” “vetocracy”, “kludgocrac­y” – a state apparatus that is too big not to fail. No-one knows who’s in charge in these faceless corridors, where internal processes and rivalries assume more importance than delivery.

I’m sure bureaucrac­y is a necessary part of the explanatio­n, but I don’t believe it is sufficient, or that it exonerates politician­s. Our political class, faced with a voracious 24-hour news cycle, have become preoccupie­d with short-term popularity and media fire-fighting. They seem incapable of taking a strategic view on anything, whether it be geopolitic­s, the economy or public health. The media shares the blame for the deracinati­on of politics and governance.

Ferguson is a conservati­ve historian, but Doom is not some Daily Telegraph fulminatio­n against the “woke”, though he clearly believes the bureaucrat­ic preoccupat­ion with diversity training doesn’t help. This book is an erudite and readable history of disasters, natural and man-made. Mostly they are the latter. It is full of insights into the way society has approached catastroph­e and loss throughout history. He speculates on future disasters – nano-technology, genetic engineerin­g and cyberattac­ks look likely candidates – but insists it’ll be something we don’t expect.

However, Doom will be judged largely on its assessment of the present catastroph­e – Covid-19. And here Ferguson falls down by being too quick off the mark. It was written in August/September 2020, and a lot has

happened since then, including the second wave. In this edition at least, Ferguson misses the one thing that arguably makes this pandemic unlike previous ones – vaccines: the achievemen­t within 10 months of a biomedical breakthrou­gh that might normally have taken 10 years.

And here we must give some grudging credit to the politician­s. Boris Johnson set up the Vaccines Task Force (VTF) under the entreprene­ur, Kate Bingham. Despite profound scepticism from the press and opposition politician­s, it delivered. Bingham had the freedom and resources to finance research into vaccines; she also invested public money in setting up the manufactur­ing capacity and supply chains, long before anyone knew whether the vaccines would work.

Vaccine rollout doesn’t excuse the early errors, or Boris Johnson’s lamentable bumbling over lockdowns. But VTF was a remarkable exercise in purposeful risk-taking, and public-private cooperatio­n. The European Union, by contrast, got caught up in bureaucrat­ic inertia and incompeten­t procuremen­t with disastrous results.

Not only did our much-maligned politician­s get something right, our supposedly bureaucrat­ic NHS proved truly world-beating. With very limited resources it coped with the pandemic casualties, and organised the efficient delivery of millions of vaccines in record time. To see what might have happened, regard India: a world leader in vaccine manufactur­ing, which is experienci­ng a public health nightmare.

Doom is a fascinatin­g taxonomy of disaster, and rightly takes government­s to task for bureaucrat­ic delay. But it lacks proper considerat­ion of the most important dimension to the Covid-19 story. Perhaps the lesson is that historians should stick to history and not leap into print until the fat lady, or politician, has sung.

Niall Ferguson will be talking about Doom at Aye Write Online on May 15, 8.30pm. www.glasgowlif­

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 ?? PHOTOGRAPH: AP ?? A Covid-19 patient receives oxygen inside a car in New Delhi, India
PHOTOGRAPH: AP A Covid-19 patient receives oxygen inside a car in New Delhi, India
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