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What will we be growing in future?

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CAN you imagine growing peach trees in a traditiona­l orchard, or exotic root veg as a substitute for potatoes, or weird and wonderful salad leaves in summer when our regular lettuces have bolted? It’s something Kew kitchen gardener and botanical horticultu­rist Helena Dove has been considerin­g during her involvemen­t with Food Forever, a new summer programme at Kew Gardens ( exploring the future of food.

“In 10 years’ time we won’t have so many apples or potatoes or things that are really starting to struggle and in their place we will see more fruits and a wider variety of fruit,” Dove predicts. “We will see different types of fruit crop like oca and mashua growing alongside potatoes, particular­ly maincrop potatoes which are struggling because of blight.”

While these changes will take place in the south of England first, experts think they will eventually affect Scotland too.


“These are root crops – I grow them alongside potatoes,” says Dove. “They would substitute maincrop potatoes and have an autumn harvest and they don’t get blight. They come from the Andes – the same place as potatoes – and we are just experiment­ing with them at the minute to see how well they’ll grow. You will still have potatoes, but if one thing fails you can put another in its place.”

Oca tubers have a fresh, lemony taste and, like you do with potatoes, you would mash or roast them, while their leaves can also be used in salads.


“This is a climbing nasturtium from the Andes and its leaves are edible,” Dove explains. “Mashua has a peppery flavour, and an abundant root which is white and looks like a big teardrop. You lift them in autumn and they are really good roasted. You can buy them from online retailers, as you would buy seed potatoes. They are treated exactly the same as potatoes and they don’t get blight.”


Heritage apples need a certain amount of winter cold to stay dormant, but because our winters are getting warmer, they are becoming less productive, Dove explains. Apple varieties from places like South Africa and New Zealand are doing better here because they don’t need as many chilling hours over the winter.

“I suspect that a traditiona­l British orchard – which used to contain apples, plums, pears and cherries – will contain more varieties, such as South African varieties, and maybe peaches. I see peach trees growing alongside apples in future.”

“Warmer winters are having more detrimenta­l effect on growing in the kitchen garden as our summers,” she continues. “Perennial plants aren’t getting the dormancy, while pests and diseases aren’t being killed off.”


“These are Mexican in origin, above, and need the heat we have now and they don’t get blight, although the fruits are very similar to tomatoes. They aren’t as sweet but they make really good salsa and are low maintenanc­e and are more a cooking tomato. I’ve never seen them in shops, but I think we will do in future.

“As climate change continues we may be growing more of them. They start fruiting a bit later than tomatoes, towards August, and aren’t frosttoler­ant. But the frosts are coming later as the winters get warmer.”


“Mediterran­ean and warmer-climate plants such as peaches and apricots are all becoming more able to fruit fully outside in the UK. Years ago, the only way to grow peaches was under glass, but now we can grow them outside. The down side of those fruits is that they all blossom really early in the season, when we still get frost, so at the moment you need to protect them from frost with a little fleece.”

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