The Herald on Sunday

Scottish Ukip leader admits: We’ve got some ‘total tossers’ in our party


THE leader of Ukip in Scotland has said his party is full of “total tossers”.

The comments came during an interview with Scots MEP David Coburn after the Sunday Herald learned that Ukip is demanding a £5,000 deposit from any member who wants to run to succeed Nigel Farage as party leader.

The Sunday Herald was passed an email from Ukip’s chairman, Steve Crowther, which said that the nomination form for anyone running to replace Farage as UK party leader “must be accompanie­d by a cheque or PayPal payment for £5,000, which shall be refunded upon polling at least five per cent of the vote”.

In an apparent move to detoxify the party, the email also warns members who want to stand for election that their social media profiles must be purged of racist posts. “Please be aware that ‘liking’ or ‘sharing’ anything by a Ukip proscribed party will result in a failed vetting status,” the email said. “For the avoidance of doubt, the proscribed parties and organisati­ons are: British National Party; National Front; British Freedom Party; British People’s Party; English Defence League; Britain First; UK First Party.”

The Scottish Conservati­ves, Scottish Liberal Democrats and Scottish Greens have all criticised Ukip’s “leadership levy”.

Discussing the deposit, Coburn, Ukip’s leader in Scotland, said that some party members were “total tossers,” and insisted the financial “barrier” was necessary to ensure the right candidates stepped forward.

He also defended the £5,000 deposit, saying: “it can’t be that difficult to get that kind of money in this day and age”.

Green MSP Ross Greer, said: “It’s not surprising that Ukip would seek to take advantage of its wealthy and out-of-touch senior politician­s and shut normal people out of the process. The outgoing leader worked as a trader in the City of London and its only MP plied his trade with an investment management company.”

A spokesman for the Scottish Conservati­ves described Ukip as “an utterly shambolic organisati­on”. “It’s obviously up to Ukip how it wants to run its leadership campaign, but charging people £5,000 for the privilege is hardly going to open the contest up and increase competitio­n,” added the spokesman.

Ukip members in Scotland have also attacked party chiefs for demanding a £5,000 deposit.

One party member said: “It just goes to shows that Ukip represents the disaffecte­d Tories and not the ex-Labour working class that they say they represent. Not many members could afford £5,000 to put their name forward.”

Coburn, Scotland’s only elected Ukip politician – who “considered standing” but is now backing Steven Woolfe for leader – dismissed the criticism.

“I think it is more a question of choosing the right candidate,” he said. “It’s quite simple, the reason we’ve got that barrier is because people have to be serious, not frivolous candidates.

“If anyone felt strongly enough they could ask their supporters for money. Nobody is being excluded. It can’t be that difficult to get that kind of money in this day and age. It’s not prohibitiv­e or excluding anyone, it’s just making sure people are serious.”

One former Scottish branch chair, who is also backing English MEP Woolfe, said Coburn should be removed as party leader in Scotland.

“The few remaining Scottish members will demand that Woolfe, if successful, act immediatel­y to end Coburn’s disastrous autocracy,” they said.

“Should Woolfe become party leader, let’s hope he has the self-confidence to mirror Theresa May, castigatin­g the plainly toxic characters in one sweep.”

Coburn said: “In any party there are people who will say this rubbish. A lot of them have sneaked into the party from other parties. These are also people who didn’t get chosen for a seat. Perhaps they have an axe to grind.”

He added: “We’ve got some total tossers in our party who are only out for themselves.”

In any party there are people who will say this rubbish. A lot of them have sneaked into the party from other parties. These are also people who didn’t get chosen for a seat. Perhaps they have an axe to grind

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