The Herald on Sunday

The Old Firm returns ... and hardcore minority brings sectariani­sm to the streets of Glasgow

- BY ANDREW WHITAKER Photograph­s: Getty

BATHED in bright, late-summer sun one of football’s oldest rivalries returned after a four-year hiatus, accompanie­d by a dark and age-old problem: sectariani­sm. There was just one arrest inside the ground as Celtic beat Rangers in the first league encounter of the season 5-1 – a 22-year-old man for an alleged alcohol-fuelled incident. And while a toilet and washing room area in the visiting supporters’ end of Celtic Park was badly vandalised, it was when the Sunday Herald took to the streets that we found the sectarian tensions associated with the Old Firm were very much in evidence.

Sectarian and racist chanting, the waving of flags and banners associated with the Northern Ireland Troubles, as well as incidents of aggression at a heavily policed match were all on show in a way that implied the worst elements of the clash were back. Yet again, it was the behaviour of a minority that showed the ugly and shameful side of the historic encounter.

The Sunday Herald witnessed a series of aggressive incidents, including a female Rangers fan who assaulted a male Celtic supporter who was walking alone past a crowd of supporters of the Ibrox club after she had managed to get past the police.

Police officers patrolling London Road opposite Celtic’s stadium stopped the woman, whose Rangers scarf fell to the ground during the incident, and warned her about her behaviour, but allowed her to walk on towards the match without arrest. A male Rangers fan was warned by a police officer he would be arrested after he was heard shouting abuse and swearing at passing Celtic fans.

There were also repeated chants in support of loyalist paramilita­ry groups the UVF and UDA by a group of Rangers supporters who stood facing the ground for more than an hour before the match, right up to kick-off. Other chants aimed at Celtic fans from their Rangers rivals included one of “paedo” and “Jimmy Savile is one of your own” by groups carrying flags bearing the Red Hand of Ulster, as well as the Union flag.

However, there was also loud pro-IRA chanting and singing from sections of Celtic supporters close to the Celtic Park stadium and in nearby pubs.

Police were called to an incident at the Rosevale Tavern on Dumbarton Road last night where witnesses reported seeing “blood all over the steps” after what was believed to be a glassing attack. The pub was previously owned by former Rangers manager Walter Smith. A man, believed to be in his 30s, was taken to hospital after apparently being injured in the attack. No arrests were made.

A Police Scotland commander said the majority had behaved in a “safe and responsibl­e manner” but the force confirmed one arrest had been made.

Dave Scott, campaign director of anti-sectarian charity Nil by Mouth, said there remained a minority of Old Firm supporters “living in the dark ages” who see the re-emergence of the Glasgow derby fixture as a “hook for wilful and hateful ignorance”.

Scott added that the catalogue of incidents showed that there remained a hardcore intent on using the Old Firm tie as a forum to spread sectarian hatred and bigotry.

He said: “The situation is better than it was 20 years ago and the majority of fans were either happy or sad with the result and then enjoyed a pint afterwards. But sadly there remains a voyeurism around the Old Firm, with people spending time on social media antagonisi­ng others. There are people who use this match as a hook for wilful, hateful ignorance. It’s a sizeable minority that are living in the dark ages and clubs have to deal with this issue.”

Scott maintained that the problem of Old Firm sectariani­sm would remain unless strict liability was introduced, where clubs can be punished with points deductions for the conduct of fans, regardless of whether the club itself is to blame.

Chief Superinten­dent Brian McInulty, commenting on Police Scotland’s matchday operation, said: “I would like to thank all the supporters who came to enjoy the match today in a safe and responsibl­e manner.”

The Scottish Government said the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatenin­g Communicat­ions Act passed in the last parliament “sends out a clear message” and had helped to curb sectarian behaviour at matches. That message had clearly not been heard by some of the fans outside Celtic Park.

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Celtic and Rangers fans before the Old Firm clash yesterday
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