The Herald on Sunday

Rodgers hails the heavens to

Celtic manager drew inspiratio­n from the late Jock Stein and his own father, hears Graeme Macpherson


Photograph: SNS

BRENDAN Rodgers evidently knows what he’s doing. He knows what he’s saying, too. When you are in charge of a Celtic team that has just thrashed Rangers 5-1, then every utterance that comes out of your mouth will be seized upon as if it had just emanated from a burning bush. The temptation to gloat about your part in that accomplish­ment must be almost overwhelmi­ng.

Rodgers, though, resisted. Instead he chose to praise the influence of Jock Stein, his legendary predecesso­r, on the anniversar­y of his death in 1985. He also mentioned his late father, who passed away on the same day 26 years later. And there was a rather subtle taking-down of Joey Barton without even mentioning the Rangers midfielder’s name. Even in the almost immediate aftermath of such a frenetic contest, Rodgers maintained ice-cool composure.

Mentioning Stein will always play well with the Celtic support and, on the 31st anniversar­y of his shock death in Cardiff, Rodgers revealed he had taken inspiratio­n from the man whose statue – European Cup in hand – stands outside the front door of Celtic Park. It was part of a pre-match team talk to a group of players, the majority of whom were not even born when Stein tragically passed away in 1985. Those words, delivered just moments before the high-noon kick-off, evidently had the desired effect, Celtic cantering to victory on the back of a Moussa Dembele hat-trick.

“It is ironic that today is the 31st anniversar­y of Jock Stein [dying],” said Rodgers. “This is a guy who created a template here and I am proud there is a team today which

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