The Herald on Sunday

Enjoying a whiff of normality

- Denis Bruce, Bishopbrig­gs.

I DID not realise how much I had missed going into town and taking in a film until I ventured forth recently. Both were tentative but pleasurabl­e experience­s, though not as normal as I had hoped.

However, both inspired me to believe that normality may no longer be a pipe dream, even though variants could have been lurking around every corner.

Just being able to wander through Waterstone­s browsing the books sent a surge of pleasure through my frame, though having every now and then to pull up my mask to keep my nose covered brought me back down to Earth, reminding me that the reality might just mean a temporary respite from a further lockdown.

My cinematic experience was comparable with days of yore, once the cinema was plunged into darkness for the main feature.

However, before the lights dimmed, scarcity of customers and enforced social distancing forced a frisson of concern about the presence of Covid in our daily lives.

While Dream Horse might not be everybody’s cup of tea, I have to admit I am a sucker for a schmaltzy feelgood film with moments which bring tears to the eye and a lump in the throat when the whole story ends after a serious setback triumphant­ly with a whole host of good British actors bringing the story alive and leaving the audience with a wonderful and certainly not woke rendition of the Tom Jones hit Delilah as the credits began to roll.

Let us hope the curtains will soon be coming up throughout the land instead of coming down again to shut us all up in our homes, care or otherwise.

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