The Herald on Sunday

Scottish Transport Minister claims rail cuts are ‘opposite of chaos’


TRANSPORT Minister Jenny Gilruth said rail service cuts were “the opposite of chaos” after she met with train operators on Friday.

Ms Gilruth met with ScotRail amid an ongoing dispute between the operator and the Aslef union whose members are refusing to make themselves available for overtime because of a pay dispute.

Drivers refused a 2.2 per cent pay increase from ScotRail and will not be working overtime on rest days.

Ms Gilruth said ScotRail had relied on drivers working extra hours to keep trains running but rejected claims railways would face a chaotic summer.

Speaking to STV News, Ms Gilruth said: “It is not going to be a summer of chaos. I would not describe it as that.”

On Wednesday, ScotRail announced plans to cut 700 services as of Monday due to driver shortages as a result of the overtime ban.

The operator has brought in a temporary timetable which Ms Gilruth said offered certainty and was “the opposite of chaos”.

Ms Gilruth added: “Actually, the reduced service is deemed necessary by ScotRail, we need to remember, to give passengers certainty.

“So, it’s the opposite of chaos, arguably, because it’s certainty in the next few weeks about where and when they can travel by rail, but it’s not where we should be in terms of provision. I accept that.

“I’m absolutely committed to working with ScotRail and our trade union partners to get to a better place but that requires both ScotRail and the trade unions to work together.”

Earlier on Friday, Aslef’s Scottish organiser, Kevin Lindsay, said: “The public need honesty and action, not political game playing. From day one Aslef has been 100% committed to negotiatio­ns. The reality is we’ve been waiting on more talks since our five-minute meet on May 4. Since then, we have only heard from them through the media.

“We have had no correspond­ence and no offer in writing at any time. We’ve not had the details of the 2.2% offer, or the proposed bonus scheme, in writing from them.

“It is high time ministers stopped the spin and instructed ScotRail to withdraw their attempt to butcher the timetable, which is more about the purse than the passengers, and to get back round the table for immediate, meaningful talks on pay. We remain available anytime, any place, anywhere to save Scotland’s railways from these politicall­y motivated service cuts.”

 ?? ?? Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth
Transport Minister Jenny Gilruth

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