The Herald on Sunday

Being able to switch off


Almost nine in 10 people are worried about the cost-of-living crisis – and one in 10 reported seeing their monthly expenses on basic items rise by more than £300. With the extra pressure of budgeting for rising living costs, how can we make sure we are getting a good night’s sleep?

1. Set firm boundaries

Having firm boundaries in place might help your sleep cycle, and you might want to set aside a period of time before bed to not think or do anything related to money.

Dr Deborah Lee, medical writer at Dr Fox Online Pharmacy ( uk), says: “It’s so easy to obsess about it around the clock. Make sure you ‘clock off’ in the evenings, to ensure you get enough sleep.”

2. Practise mindfulnes­s

Focusing on your breathing may help to calm your body and aid sleep. Lee suggests this short exercise: “Sit quietly and breathe out slowly and deeply. Think of your five senses one by one. Take a minute to concentrat­e on each one. Hearing – can you hear three different sounds? Vision – can you see three different colours? Taste – can you taste three different flavours? Smell – can you smell three different smells? Feel – can you feel three different sensations?”

Aside from breathwork, Abdullah Boulad, behavioura­l specialist and CEO of The Balance (balancelux­, recommends “taking a 30-60 minute walk, especially before going to sleep”.

3. Journal your worries away – or at least quiet them a little

If you have a thousand money-related thoughts going through your brain when your head hits the pillow, journaling may help rationalis­e your fears and gain clarity on complex issues. Lee says: “Writing a nightly journal of 10-20 minutes before turning off the light can help park your worries. Several studies have shown expressive writing before sleep can help you sleep better.”

4. Limit screen time

“This is especially important with money worries,” she explains. “Switch off computer screens, mobile phones, TVs and laptops, several hours before bedtime. These emit blue light, preventing the release of the sleep hormone melatonin.”

5. Make your room a ‘money-talk free zone’

“Opening up and speaking about your problems – whether that is financial or any other issue – is beneficial in many ways,” says Boulad. “Speaking aloud about your problems sorts your thoughts out and organises them, rather than keeping them bottled up.”

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