The Herald on Sunday

Alex Jones isn’t paying enough for his hateful lies – but it’s a start

- Rex Huppke

CONSPIRACY theorist and human-body-insearch-of-a-soul Alex Jones is learning, at long last, that there’s a price for lying. There’s a price for being a monster, for leveraging the pain of others to make a buck peddling deceit.

A Texas jury on Thursday ordered the host of the notoriousl­y noxious Infowars website to pay more than $4 million in compensato­ry damages to the parents of a child killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. It doesn’t sound like enough, not for the hell he put Neil Heslin, Scarlett Lewis and the other parents who lost children in the school shooting through.

But it’s something. It’s a consequenc­e of despicable lies, claims the shooting never happened, horrid assertions the parents were “crisis actors”, red-faced, blathered nonsense that they were participan­ts in a “false flag operation” to rally people towards stricter gun control laws.

It is a consequenc­e of forcing parents who had experience­d an unspeakabl­e tragedy to go into hiding, to face death threats, to never be able to fully grieve.

During the trial this week, Lewis, whose six-year-old son Jesse was murdered at Sandy Hook, was asked by one of her attorneys: “How do you recover from someone saying your child wasn’t murdered?”

She paused and said this: “I don’t think you can recover. I don’t think you do recover. Unless it stops. Unless it’s retracted. Unless there’s accountabi­lity and there’s responsibi­lity. And that hasn’t happened.”

On Thursday night it did happen. And the compensato­ry damages are just the start. The Texas jury will now consider punitive damages, and Jones has been found liable in two other defamation lawsuits – one in Texas, one in Connecticu­t – by other families, so juries will continue to make him pay.


MANY were disappoint­ed the damages weren’t higher. The parents’ attorneys had asked for $150 million. Jones’s attorney suggested a piggishly insulting $8m.

Here’s how I see it: Alex Jones lost. His horrific lies were revealed and writ large. He was publicly scolded, over and over, by Judge Maya Guerra Gamble, who called him out for his lies and made him look like the petulant, small, opportunis­tic brat he is.

At one point she told Jones: “It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth while you testify, yet here I am. You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show.”

When Jones said he “believed” he was telling the truth, Gamble shot back: “You believe everything you say is true, but it isn’t. Your beliefs do not make something true. That is what we’re doing here. Just because you claim to think something is true does

not make it true.” Jones is one of the most mendacious, malevolent public figures we have. The pain he put the Sandy Hook families through is only part of the staggering damage he has done to the idea of truth in this country, and to the standards of decency by which we should all abide.

Beyond the bile he spits, he has spawned an army of online trolls who treat his words as gospel and attack perceived enemies with dangerous vitriol. He feeds the id of lost souls, making himself rich in the process.

We see too many horrid lies these days. From politician­s. From pundits. From like-minded hordes on Twitter. “Groomer.” “Communist.” “Baby killer.” “Paedophile.”

These words, slung by hysterics who believe they won’t face consequenc­es for their prevaricat­ion, draw blood. They inflict deep pain, the kind of pain Sandy Hook parents have suffered since a Texas conspiracy babbler decided to worsen their lives for profit. On the stand this week, Lewis looked directly at Jones and said: “In some way, you’ve impacted nearly every single day of my life, negatively, since Jesse was murdered.”

I hope, when all is said and done, Jones is buried in consequenc­es. Buried in them. And while the one he faced on Thursday didn’t feel like enough, at least it was a start.

 ?? ?? Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist, is paying the price for his actions over the Sandy Hook shootings
Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist, is paying the price for his actions over the Sandy Hook shootings
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