The Herald on Sunday

Ignore the falsehoods, this Act has plenty of safeguards


‘Msignature.” “Very good. What day is it due to come into force?”

“April 1.”

It’s around this point in the conversati­on that the Cabinet Secretary’s political antennae ought to have begun vibrating energetica­lly.

Urgent demands for officials to select literally any other day on the calendar should have begun forming on their lips.

But objection, it seems, there came none – and the Scottish Government is now committed to bringing this controvers­ial set of proposals into force on April Fool’s Day.

Paranoid people sometimes suggest the SNP have wholly captured the civil service.

This PR coup alone suggests dissident forces with a sense of humour are still alive and at work in the Scottish Government’s justice division.

I’m not a highly remunerate­d communicat­ions profession­al – I’m no master of spin – but you might think the silly optics of this decision would have occurred to one or two of the legion of SPADs how clustered around the Scottish Cabinet.

But apparently not.

When someone presents you with a tempting opportunit­y to make a fool of yourself, in general, it’s the wiser course to decline to step into the proffered cowpat. But here we are, up to our ankles in it.

All of which is rather irritating – as it has yet again emboldened the many people in Scottish political life who are having a rare old time peddling fiction about what’s actually in the Hate Crime Act and painting dystopian pictures about the new and terrifying world of repression it will create.

Telling inflammato­ry lies about this legislatio­n is back in fashion.

And what’s curious is it is generally critics of these proposals who are most determined to pretend the Act says things it doesn’t say and criminalis­es behaviour it doesn’t criminalis­e.

Act anxiety

INISTER. I have the commenceme­nt order for the Hate Crime Act, ready for your

THERE are – I think reasonable – anxieties that the legislatio­n could be weaponised by frivolous complaints about conduct the Act isn’t aimed at criminalis­ing.

It’s essential that police officers handling complaints have a thorough sense of the strength of the free expression protection­s written into the proposals, and prosecutor­s too.

But surely the best way to avoid that happening is making it clear to people what the Act does and does not say, rather than trying to convince your social media enemies to report you to the cops come April 1.

It should be in none of our interests for this prophecy to become true. That the legislatio­n is getting bad press now is entirely in keeping with its history.

When the Bill was first introduced in 2020, the Scottish Government expressed astonishin­g naivete about the firestorm of controvers­y it would inevitably create.

MSPs deserve credit on a cross-party basis for their work on fixing up the Bill.

Having contribute­d in a small way to securing these meaningful improvemen­ts, I’m not prepared to pretend they haven’t happened or to indulge people who’d rather object to what they imagine the legislatio­n says rather than its actual content.

Let’s come down to brass tacks. The first part of the legislatio­n codifies how crimes can be aggravated by prejudice, the second consolidat­es new offences of “stirring up hatred” against minority groups.

Take aggravator­s first.

We’ve had aggravator­s on the law books for decades. Before, they were scattered all over the Scottish statute book piecemeal – which is why Lord Bracadale recommende­d codificati­on was needed.

Aggravator­s don’t create any new offences or make any conduct which is currently legal illegal.

As the name suggests, they’re attached to existing crimes like assault, vandalism or breach of the peace – they are recorded, and reflected in sentencing.

If a knuckle-dragging bigot spits on a priest while gobbing up anti-Irish slurs, I have no problem classifyin­g that as a hate crime

Victim perception

CONTRARY to what’s been asserted last week, the Act does not say that offences are aggravated by hatred just because the victim feels that way.

For an aggravatio­n to be charged,

Scottish prosecutor­s will have to demonstrat­e that “at the time of committing the offence, or immediatel­y before or after doing so, the offender demonstrat­es malice and ill will towards the victim” based on their age, disability, race, sexual orientatio­n, or transgende­r identity.

Under the old and new law, this will almost always be based on what the perpetrato­r said.

I don’t know about you, but if a knuckle-dragging bigot spits on a priest while gobbing up anti-Irish and antiCathol­ic slurs, I have no problem with classifyin­g that as a hate crime.


IF you daub a synagogue in anti-Semitic graffiti, most people wouldn’t see it as state overreach to classify that offence as aggravated by prejudice.

And if white nationalis­ts descend on communitie­s distributi­ng leaflets for “punish a Muslim day”, I’ve no issue with the police investigat­ing and executing warrants against them for it. Describing provisions like this as “madness” is just lazy sloganisin­g.

“Stirring up” offences have also been on the British state book for decades – and they’re rightly controvers­ial as they do criminalis­e what people say. These provisions are seldom used. Reflecting these experience­s, the Scottish version of these offences created by the Act are also unlikely to feature daily in a Sheriff Court’s diet of work – because the new hate crimes are much more difficult to prove than most criminal offences which are already on the statute book.

To convict anyone of the new “stirring up” offences, prosecutor­s must prove the following beyond reasonable doubt. First, would a reasonable person think what you have said or done is threatenin­g or abusive?

Did you deliberate­ly intend to stir up hatred against a minority group? Unlike most other offences, being reckless isn’t enough.

The complainer’s subjective perception­s of your intentions – again – do not determine your criminal liability under the legislatio­n, and it is flatly untrue to suggest otherwise.

Then there are the defences. Would a reasonable person conclude what you’ve said or done is reasonable in all the circumstan­ces?

If so, you have a complete defence. Law enforcers will have to factor this into their investigat­ions and charging decisions.

The Act gives them a strong steer, telling police and courts to have “particular regard” for freedom of expression, “including the general principle that the right applies to the expression of informatio­n or ideas that offend, shock or disturb”.


AT this stage, newbies to legislatio­n will often object to “reasonable­ness” being written into the law – but this isn’t new either.

All over the law – from the defences of self-defence and provocatio­n to existing crimes – decision-makers are asked to consider what’s reasonable in the facts and circumstan­ces before them.

As any criminal lawyer can tell you, there are already offences on the statute book which are considerab­ly easier to prove than this, which have none of the defences we find in the new hate crime framework, and which represent much more credible threats to freedom of expression.

Take, for example, Section 127 of the Communicat­ions Act 2003. It’s been in force for 20 years now.

Under its provisions, you can find yourself arrested and in court if you send a “grossly offensive” message online.

There’s no steer from Parliament to judges and juries about the critical importance of free speech.

There’s no requiremen­t to demonstrat­e intention to stir up hatred against a whole minority.

There’s no explicit reasonable­ness defence either.

If you want to make frivolous complaints about what someone’s said on the internet, the 2003 Act already gives you everything you need and more.

Philosophi­cally, you might disagree with the concept of hate crime. You might argue an assault is an assault, a murder is a murder – and it shouldn’t matter why someone committed it when it comes to punishment.

These are intellectu­ally defensible positions and defensible grounds to have doubts about hate crime proposals generally.

But anything resembling this is too often missing from the Scottish political debate on this Act, which is distracted, shadowboxi­ng phantoms.

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 ?? ?? Above, members of the Scottish Family Party protest alongside supporters of the Gender Recognitio­n Reform Bill (Scotland) outside the Scottish Parliament, ahead of a debate on the Bill
Above, members of the Scottish Family Party protest alongside supporters of the Gender Recognitio­n Reform Bill (Scotland) outside the Scottish Parliament, ahead of a debate on the Bill

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