The Herald on Sunday

Coverage was imbalanced


A spell in the forces would teach discipline and a trade which would enable them to secure a job and contribute to society, and not just take, take, take

AS a regular reader of The Herald on Sunday, might I, and many like me, look forward to multi-page articles in forthcomin­g editions of your newspaper representi­ng the views of those opposed to either or both the buffer zones around abortion clinics and the assisted dying bills that are currently being proposed for debate in the Scottish Parliament?

I ask this as, in the last fortnight, you have chosen to publish articles by the proposers of both bills and their supporters, with little or no attempt to give similar space to those who disagree with either or both measures.

We note that like your sister newspaper, The Herald, The Herald on Sunday claims to be a quality newspaper yet slants your coverage of both contentiou­s bills to those who support them – and, on both occasions, gives little or no coverage to those who disagree with them. We would have thought that a self-proclaimed quality newspaper would give balanced coverage of these contentiou­s measures but sadly that has clearly not been the case in either instance.

It saddens us that the Scottish media in general appears to be culpable of the same bias.

For instance, in most cases both the BBC and STV give double the coverage to supporters of both the buffer zones bill and the assisted dying bill than they do to those who are opposed to these bills .

Many like us feel this makes the slogan “One Scotland”, where the views of everyone are respected and valued, seem hollow.

On the contrary, it seems to be the case to many Scottish people that the media in Scotland is only interested in denigratin­g and silencing the views of those who are opposed to the majority as perceived by the media.

Surely this is totally contrary to the “One Scotland” and the tolerant Scotland we all aspire to?

Helen MacEachen and Joe MacEachen, Coatbridge * Editor’s note: The Herald on Sunday believes the article was balanced and provided both sides of the debate. In terms of the buffer zones feature, Kevin McKenna’s Diary also covered the issue in the same edition and was vehemently in support of the protesters. We understand these are emotive, complex issues and always strive to platform each of any argument.

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