The Herald on Sunday

DeSantis sends cops to halt Florida spring break crime. But what about Mar-a-Lago?

- By Frank Cerabino for USA Today

FLORIDA Governor Ron DeSantis is deploying dozens of Florida Highway Patrol troopers to spring-break hot spots this month with the message that we live in a “law-and-order state”. Who knew? DeSantis said the troopers will be deployed to Miami Beach, Daytona Beach, Panama City and other springbrea­k watering holes to arrest those who are “committing crimes, causing havoc”.

“You are going to pay the price, and we will hold you accountabl­e, because that’s what we do here,” DeSantis said.

Well, that’s refreshing news. And yet I haven’t seen any of the havoc-stopping strike force marshallin­g forces outside the gates of Mar-aLago in Palm Beach.

Why not? Mar-a-Lago is the crime-committing, havoccausi­ng capital of Florida.

If you’re going to take a stand against wanton lawlessnes­s in Florida – and put down a meaningful endorsemen­t for the rule of law – there’s no better place to start than Insurrecti­on Central, headquarte­rs for the malcontent­s looking to start a new civil war.

But instead, DeSantis is dispatchin­g troopers to popular beach spots where teens and young adults from across the land gather for an annual rite of spring. Well, at least he’s not sending Florida troopers to Texas this time. There’s an easy target to punch down at closer to home.

And yes, Florida’s spring break revellers sometimes get carried away in a ritual that’s fully marinated in alcohol, and sometimes spawns violence and crime.

Miami Beach officials have already put spring breakers on notice that the city plans to enforce its laws against loud music, smoking cigarettes and marijuana on the beach, and drinking alcohol in public.

The city has tried to scare away spring breakers with curfews, bag checks, DUI checkpoint­s and $100 parking charges.

The annual event brings billions of dollars of income to local businesses, but last year it led to two fatal shootings and stampedes created by confusion over fireworks and other loud sounds.

Miami Beach officials put out a video recently in an effort to get spring breakers to go somewhere else.

“We’re breaking up with you,” an actor tells spring breakers on a YouTube video made by the city.

“And don’t try to apologise and come crawling back,” another actor chimes in.

Students and locals share the beach in Fort Lauderdale during spring break.

So yes, spring break has led to some bad behaviour. But it helps to keep things in context.

Spring break in Florida is far less harmful to the average Floridian than the annual spring session of the Florida Legislatur­e.

Do you think I’m fooling? Here’s a taste: this session, state lawmakers OK’d allowing lenders to charge up to 36% interest on consumer loans.

That’s institutio­nal thievery on a grand scale, where those who “pay the price” are not criminals. DeSantis vetoed it.

Furthermor­e, if teenagers and young adults are so dangerous, why are Florida lawmakers always trying to lower the age of buying assault rifles to 18?

If you look at comparativ­e harm, spring breakers aren’t a top-tier law-and-order menace in Florida.

They certainly don’t measure up to the security threats coming from former president Donald Trump and his ocean-front Palm Beach lair.

It’s too bad that the DeSantis strike force wasn’t deployed outside Mar-a-Lago to remind Trump that we have three branches of government, not a “boss” who dictates on every issue.

And that just like with misbehavin­g spring breakers, there’s a point where enough is enough.

 ?? ?? Is spring break in Florida far less harmful to the average Floridian than the annual spring session of the Florida Legislatur­e?
Is spring break in Florida far less harmful to the average Floridian than the annual spring session of the Florida Legislatur­e?
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