The Herald on Sunday

Signs of the times

What Scotland can learn from Canada’s culture war laws


CONSERVATI­VES are raging about new hate crimes legislatio­n. Their leader says they are part of a “woke authoritar­ian agenda”. His media and social media proxies talk up an “Orwellian” future where freethinki­ng citizens could be jailed for life for exercising their right to free speech.

I am not talking about the Scottish Conservati­ves, their boss Douglas Ross, or the spruced-up hate crimes laws to come in force in Scotland on April 1.

No, the Conservati­ves ramping up the rhetoric about “woke” authoritar­ianism are Canadian.

Their leader is a 44-year-old, self-styled libertaria­n called Pierre Poilievre. And the proposal that has got his followers so worked up is something called the Online Harms Bill.

This is a piece of legislatio­n championed by the ruling liberals of Justin Trudeau, who has long become an internatio­nal punchbag for the global right and far right while disappoint­ing, it has to be added, leftier social progressiv­es.

Trudeau’s government proposes tougher regulation of social media – including creating an independen­t ombudsman – and stiffer penalties for hate propaganda. People advocating genocide could, in theory, get life in jail.

“What does Justin Trudeau mean when he says the words ‘hate speech’? He means the speech he hates,” Poilievre said last month. “You can assume he will ban all of that.”

Canada’s justice minister Arif Virani, echoing the lines of SNP ministers, has stressed the new law isn’t designed to target the merely offensive or insulting.

“People insult groups or people or races or religions all of the time. That’s going to continue to be awful but lawful,” he said on Canada’s CBC TV last month. “But when you call for the exterminat­ion of a people, you’re hitting a hate standard that’s already been entrenched by the courts.”

New legislatio­n

THE Canadian bill, unlike Scotland’s latest reforms, is far from becoming law. It was only introduced to the country’s federal parliament last month.

But the bill has sparked a very similar culture war to our own, with battle lines and rhetorical devices that are strikingly familiar.

Indeed, some of the noise generated by the coming implementa­tion of the Scottish law has been heard across the Atlantic. Our controvers­ies are bleeding into theirs.

Earlier this week, Scotland’s new hate crime rules – and how they might be policed – were highlighte­d by opponents of Canada’s

Online Harm Bill.

“I don’t know if

Scotland’s chilling piece of legislatio­n represents Canada’s future under our own online harms legislatio­n,” wrote columnist Chris Selley in The National Post, “or a future we managed to avoid by not going as far as many terribly misguided people wanted – and still want.” On one level this kind of cross-Atlantic rhetoric makes sense. We are talking about two largely Englishspe­aking jurisdicti­ons with lots of shared cultural and political narratives.

This, as Selley articulate­d in his National Post article, includes common angst, or “confusion” as he put it, about freedom of speech.

His concern was about how the laws – on either side of the Atlantic – would be policed.

Where will the lines be drawn between incitement to hatred and harm – and free speech?

“Essentiall­y, in Canada and Scotland alike, nobody knows what landmark legislatio­n on free speech is going to do,” Selley wrote. “That’s a terrible feature in any legislatio­n, never mind a bill concerning such a fundamenta­l freedom. And it’s every bit as chilling as more explicit restrictio­ns on what we can say and what we can’t.”

On another level, however, Canadian warnings about Scotland look a bit weird.

That is because the few innovation­s in the Scots law – most obviously extending

Despite what the most deranged right-wingers say on X, Canada is not authoritar­ian, not by any serious measure

“stirring-up hatred” from race to people with some other protected characteri­stics – already have approximat­e Canadian analogues.

Scottish study

INDEED, Canada was one of the countries whose hate crime regime was studied before Holyrood deliberate­d the legislatio­n about to come into force.

The new Scots law came after a serious of recommenda­tions from a retired judge, Lord Bracadale.

But the legislativ­e process was also informed by a whopping 147-page comparativ­e report on hate crime legislatio­n around the world by two law professors at Glasgow University, James Chalmers and Fiona Leverick. The pair paid particular attention to Canada’s existing crimes of “hate propaganda”, the same offences for which the new Trudeau bill, among other things, moots tougher sentences.

These, according to the country’s criminal code, include inciting and promoting hatred against a whole series of groups – wider than in Scotland. Canada also has a specific prohibitio­n on encouragin­g genocide.

Internatio­nal legal comparison­s are never easy. Different jurisdicti­ons, of course, have different sets of checks and balances. That’s not saying our new laws are exactly the same as Canada’s. They are not and could not be.

For opponents of Canada’s Online Harm Bill, Scotland’s hate crime law might serve as a rhetorical warning.

For supporters of the Scottish legislatio­n, the fact Canada and other countries have had wide-ranging, stirring-up hatred offences on their statute books might be a reassuranc­e.

Despite what the most deranged right-wingers say on X, Canada is not authoritar­ian, by any serious measure.

In fact, the country is comfortabl­y close to the top of world league tables for freedom and rule of law – above the UK and the United States.

However, there are voices in the conservati­ve media in England, Canada and America who think that tyranny is where Trudeau’s Online Harms Bill will lead.

Writing in Spiked-Online, Brendan O’Neill, a former Revolution­ary Communist, called Canada a “cauldron of authoritar­ianism”.

His particular bugbear was a proposal that judges be able to impose “house arrest” on people who, as he put it, “might” commit a hate crime. He compared this with a pre-crime from the movie and film Minority Report about mutants who predict future murders.

O’Neill is not alone. This same narrative has been pushed by pro-Trump figures in America and parts of the Canadian right. But is it a fair comment?

Hate offences

SUPRIYA Dwivedi does not think so. An adviser to Trudeau, she sees this is a distorted picture of “peace bonds”, essentiall­y court orders for a person to stay out of trouble for a period of time. These are not new – but they would be for hate offences.

Writing in the Toronto Star, she added: “Unfortunat­ely, a lot of the commentary on the bill has been light on facts and heavy on hyperbole.

“For example, let’s look at the way the newly-proposed peace bond for hate has been framed. If you were to believe, for example, the right-wing online ecosystem, peace bonds are a novel concept created by the Liberal government to appease the woke overlords while punishing regular Canadians with pre-crime offences, like thinking the wrong thing.

“A quick perusal of any number of certain political outlets that have weighed in on the matter reveals invocation­s of the movie Minority Report and a looming dystopia.

“Peace bonds have long been establishe­d by both statute and common law in our criminal justice system.”

Dwivedi believes critics of the new bill are “rage farming”. Her Toronto Star column was in defence of proposals which are not the same as Scotland’s. But she addresses very similar rhetoric devices to those raised against our hate laws. And her response mirrors that of Scotland’s social progressiv­es, including those from the four out of five of our country’s parties which supported the new legislatio­n.

“Critics are once again engaging in bad faith tactics and are trying to frame the issue of online harms as a false dichotomy between freedom of expression and clamping down on online harms, including online hate speech,” she said. “Don’t let them.”

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 ?? ?? The controvers­ial Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 comes into force tomorrow
The controvers­ial Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 comes into force tomorrow

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