The Herald on Sunday

Absurdity as US supplies bombs for Israel and humanitari­an aid for Gaza

As global agencies warn that millions are at risk of starvation, the US authorises billions of dollars in new arms, bringing accusation­s of hypocrisy, reports our Foreign Editor


His name was Abu Salah Shikir. It was back in August 2005 when I first met the former geography teacher at his home in the city of Khan Younis in Gaza. The house in which we sat talking, however, he insisted, was not what he would call his real home.

That, he told me, had been bulldozed by the Israelis in March of the previous year, and he and his family had since been rehoused by the Palestinia­n Authority (PA).

Shikir was just one of countless Gazans I spoke with at that pivotal moment back then, when Israel began its disengagem­ent from Gaza, dismantlin­g settlement­s, moving settlers out and redeployin­g its army along the border, effectivel­y shutting Gazans in.

Even back then, going on two decades ago now, Shikir, a quiet, softly-spoken man, echoed the views of many Gazans I met at the time, and during subsequent visits, who feared for Gaza’s future.

“In Gaza, there is no gold, there is no oil, only sand and sadness. People eat their sadness daily,” I recall him saying wistfully that afternoon as we chatted over endless cups of tea.

I couldn’t help thinking of those words again this weekend as Gazans again “eat only sadness” and famine looms after almost six months of an Israeli onslaught, the ferocity of which few back then could ever have imagined, would engulf Gaza to the extent it does now.

The facts are stark. The people of Gaza, shelled, bombed, their homes blown to oblivion and now displaced, face famine on a “catastroph­ic” scale, say the UN and humanitari­an organisati­ons. No natural disaster has occurred here, as is often the cause of such hunger elsewhere during global crises.

Gazans, just like the people of Sudan, are on the receiving end of an entirely manmade famine, because belligeren­t parties – in Gaza’s case Israel – are keeping food from people as part of their arsenal.

In other words, starvation is being used as a weapon of war in Israel’s military response to the attack by Hamas on October 7 last year.

The implicatio­ns of this are profound, not only in terms of the suffering and deaths likely to occur, but for the reasons outlined by former senior US government official and columnist David Rothkopf, who was writing in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz last week.

“Should Israel continue the fighting and thus impede aid operations, should it continue to restrict those operations in any way, it will be seen as the primary author of one of the greatest humanitari­an crises we have seen in modern memory,” Rothkopf warned.

Those words by any standards have a terrible resonance, but perhaps especially so about a nation born out of the horrors of the

There was no shortage of criticism of Israel’s denials of using starvation as a weapon of war or blocking aid

Holocaust of which Rothkopf’s own family have direct experience and loss.

Starvation concerns

BUT that crisis that Rothkopf speaks of is, according to the US state department, already under way and famine present in at least some areas of northern Gaza, with others in danger of falling into starvation.

“While we can say with confidence that famine is a significan­t risk in the south and centre but not present in the north, it is both a risk and quite possibly is present in at least some areas,” a state department official told Reuters.

That bleak assessment is supported by the detailed UN-backed report compiled by the Integrated Food Security Phase Classifica­tion (IPC), a global authority on food security.

Its experts have projected that famine is “imminent” for the 300,000 Palestinia­n civilians in northern Gaza, where conditions will develop by the end of May.

And by mid-July, as many as 1.1 million people in Gaza could face what the IPC characteri­sed as the worst stage of hunger – an “extreme lack of food” – and severe levels of starvation, destitutio­n and acute malnutriti­on.

Since its formation back in 2004 by UN agencies and internatio­nal humanitari­an groups, the IPC has classified a famine only twice. The first was in 2011 in parts of Somalia, and the second in 2017 in parts of South Sudan.

According to data produced for those countries, relatively small proportion­s of the population met the group’s criteria for famine conditions.

In Gaza, however, the residents of the critically threatened north make up more than 13% of the population.

Any declaratio­n of famine is based on a strict criteria scale that ranks a country’s food shortages – or insecurity – against five “phases” of severity, ranging from minimal to catastroph­ic.

All of Gaza’s 2.2 million people are in at least the third, or crisis, level of food insecurity, meaning they are not eating enough and are malnourish­ed.

Nearly 40% are in the fourth, or emergency, phase, facing extreme food shortages and bearing an increased risk of hunger-related death. And 30% are in the most severe stage, indicating they have almost no food and are facing critical levels of starvation and death.

For a famine to be officially declared, three things need to happen in a specific geographic­al area. First, at least 20% of households face an extreme lack of food, Second, at least 30% of children suffer acute malnutriti­on. Third, two adults – or four children per 10,000 people – die each day “due to outright starvation or to the interactio­n of malnutriti­on and disease”, say IPC guidelines.


SUCH specific assessment criteria is vital in that it not only helps enable the correct humanitari­an response, but also cuts through often misleading claims made by government­s or regimes which deny culpabilit­y in the creation of such a crisis.

This weekend, there was no shortage of criticism of Israel’s denials of using starvation as a weapon of war or blocking aid. Equally, the US government has been accused of hypocrisy given that despite the state department’s warnings of impending famine, reports in The Washington Post say President Joe Biden’s administra­tion has just authorised another transfer of billions of dollars in new bombs and fighter jets to Israel.

As senior humanitari­an officials upped their calls for Israel to allow unfettered access for aid to Gaza, COGAT, the Israeli defence ministry body responsibl­e for Palestinia­n civil affairs, has hit back at claims that restrictio­ns are increasing starvation in the coastal enclave.

It accused UN agencies of being unable to handle the quantity of aid arriving daily. “At any given moment there are hundreds of

trucks held up at the Gazan side of the Kerem Shalom crossing after having completely been processed by the authoritie­s in Israel,” the COGAT reply said.

But aid workers and diplomats say a pattern has emerged of Israeli obstructio­n, where COGAT has imposed arbitrary and contradict­ory criteria on relief entering Gaza.

The European Union’s top diplomat Josep Borrell went further, accusing Israel of using “starvation as a weapon of war”, saying the famine was “not a natural disaster” but caused by Israel “preventing humanitari­an support entering into Gaza”.

Hundreds of trucks were waiting at the border and being prevented entry into Gaza by Israel, he said.

“The support is there waiting. Trucks are stopped, people are dying,” Borrell said. Aid delivery by sea and air was only necessary because the “natural” way of delivering aid by land was “artificial­ly closed” by Israel, he added.

The World Food Programme estimates that at least 300 trucks are needed to enter Gaza every day and distribute food to meet only the basic hunger needs. The UN agency has only managed to take nine convoys into northern Gaza since the start of the year, it said in a statement.

The wrangling while Gazans die is not helped by what some observers have described as “narrative makers … doing the unthinkabl­e and denying hunger in Gaza”.

Last week, Dahlia Scheindlin, a political scientist and fellow of the think tank Century Internatio­nal based in Tel Aviv, wrote a searing assessment of the role played by such narrative makers.

“These efforts range from clownish to methodical,” Scheindlin commented in Haaretz.

“Yoseph Haddad, Israel’s favourite Arab hasbarista, has proclaimed that there is no famine – so it must be true,” wrote Scheindlin, using a play on the Hebrew word “Hasbara” which roughly means “explaining” and referring to the Arab-Israeli activist seen by many as a staunch defender of Israel.

Scheindlin then turned her ire on Israeli YouTuber Tal Louria, who posted a selfie video saying there cannot be any famine in Gaza, because he “hasn’t seen pictures of people starving like in Africa”.

Deflection strategy

OF the more “methodical” culprits who seem to specialise in “strategies of deflection”, Scheindlin then singled out senior Israeli official Gilad Erdan, the country’s ambassador to the United Nations.

It was Erdan, Scheindlin noted, who claimed “if there is even a problem of lack of food in Gaza – and we claim otherwise – only the Hamas terrorists are to blame, who loot humanitari­an aid that Israel allows to enter with no limitation­s”.

But if criticism has been pointed at such Israeli “narrative makers” then it has also this weekend been directed at the Biden administra­tion, following the Washington Post’s report that the US government has authorised the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to Israel.

The latest arms package includes more than 1,800 MK84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK82 500-pound bombs, according to Pentagon and State Department officials familiar with the matter who spoke with the Post on condition of anonymity because recent authorisat­ions have not been disclosed publicly.

So much for the apparent rifts between the Biden administra­tion and Israel, many critics were quick to point out, among them Senators Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jeff Merkley of Oregon.

While Sanders, in a social media post, called the move “obscene”, he added: “The US cannot beg [Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu] to stop bombing civilians one day and the next send him thousands more 2,000lb bombs that can level entire city blocks.”

Merkley echoed Sanders’ criticism, calling the arms transfer “wrong on every level”.

The administra­tion “can’t credibly push to increase humanitari­an access to Gaza” while providing weapons used to “indiscrimi­nately kill innocent Palestinia­ns”, he argued.

Meanwhile, other observers have said that a famine in Gaza could bring a genocide ruling against Israel.

In January, the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as the World Court, ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinia­ns in Gaza.

Parachute drops and the creation of coastal piers for seaborne aid to arrive are stopgaps and far from the ultimate answer, humanitari­ans argue

Famine fears

WRITING in Time magazine last week, David J Simon, director of the genocide studies programme at Yale University, detailed how it was the humanitari­an

dimension about which the ICJ expressed the most concern.

With that concern now deepening as famine looms, the time might have come to look again about whether in legal terms Israel’s actions fall under categories that would deem an act of genocide, says Simon.

While back in January the court appeared to conclude that Israel’s campaign was not inherently genocidal, that definition might be due further examinatio­n under the Genocide Convention.

“It is worth asking, given the court’s concerns, whether the humanitari­an crisis constitute­s genocide. In legal terms, whether the situation can be deemed an act (or policy) of genocide depends on the parsing of the complete wording of Clause 2(C ): whether the conditions were ‘deliberate­ly inflicted’, whether they reflect a calculatio­n ‘to bring about ... the destructio­n’ of Gaza’s Palestinia­n population, and, if so, whether an ‘intent to destroy’ at least part of that population can be found to underlie that calculatio­n,” he argues.

This weekend, as aid trucks piled up at the border, Gazans once again watched as supplies were dropped by parachute into the devastated territory. But parachute drops and the creation of coastal piers for seaborne aid to arrive are stopgaps and far from the ultimate answer, humanitari­ans argue.

With no full ground access and the ability of Gaza’s population to counter food insecurity waning and coping mechanisms running out, hunger has reached life threatenin­g levels on a mass scale. Once again, Gazans are having to “eat their sadness daily”, as Abu Salah Shikir said back in 2005.

 ?? Picture: Getty Images ?? Starving Palestinia­ns, including children, wait to receive food in Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza, last week
Picture: Getty Images Starving Palestinia­ns, including children, wait to receive food in Jabalia refugee camp, Gaza, last week
 ?? ??
 ?? ??
 ?? Picture: AP Photo/Ismael Abu Dayyah ?? Above, Palestinia­ns inspect the damage to a residentia­l building after an Israeli air strike in the Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza, on Friday
Picture: AP Photo/Ismael Abu Dayyah Above, Palestinia­ns inspect the damage to a residentia­l building after an Israeli air strike in the Maghazi refugee camp, central Gaza, on Friday
 ?? Picture: AP ?? Left, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has accused Israel of using ‘starvation as a weapon of war’
Picture: AP Left, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has accused Israel of using ‘starvation as a weapon of war’
 ?? Picture: AP Photo/ Hussein Malla ?? Above, containers of humanitari­an aid are air-dropped to Palestinia­ns
Picture: AP Photo/ Hussein Malla Above, containers of humanitari­an aid are air-dropped to Palestinia­ns

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