The Herald on Sunday

Cancer survivor queries hesitance in changing 3G pitch infill materials

- By Vicky Allan

AN ex-American football player, coach and cancer survivor has questioned why crumb rubber infill is not being replaced by other materials in the UK, as is set to happen in the European Union.

Malik Mustapha said: “If there is just a simple change of substituti­ng the material out from the crumb rubber in 3G pitches to something like cork, what’s the big deal? Why aren’t we doing it?”

Six years ago, Mr Mustapha was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system.

He recalled that at the time his haematolog­ist put it down to “bad luck”. But he has since wondered if there could have been any cause for his getting this cancer so young.

A recent report by Professor Andrew Watterson of the University of Stirling, which highlighte­d health and environmen­tal concerns around the granules of shredded end-oflife tyres used as infill in 3G pitches, made him question whether there might be a link between his cancer and the crumb rubber.

The report called for a ban on crumb rubber in Scotland, in line with the European ban on the material as infill from 2031. It drew attention not just to carcinogen­ic chemicals in the infill, but also the presence of endocrine disruptors that can affect reproducti­ve function.

It said: “Crumb rubber contains a wide range of carcinogen­s and it should be noted that the control levels set for these are always ‘acceptable’ levels and not ‘safe levels’ – acceptable to regulators with the risks then run by workers, users and the wider public – because there are no safe levels for carcinogen­s.”

However, official advice often states that 3G pitches are safe. Sometimes cited in defence of infill is a 2020 pan-European report published in the journal Science of The Total Environmen­t, which found “cancer risks for exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbo­ns [the chief carcinogen­s of concern] were below 1:1 million” and that there were “no health concerns for synthetic turfs with ‘end-of-life’ tyre-derived infill”.

This, said Prof Watterson, only looked at the impact of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbo­ns, and did not cover the rest of the almost “200 carcinogen­s” found in one study to be in crumb.


MALIK Mustapha was certainly heavily exposed to the crumb. As a defensive lineman in American football, he frequently had his hand down on the ground and in contact with the granules.

“You’re tackling people to the ground so you’re sort of rolling in it,” he said. “By the end of practice, those little crumbs are everywhere. They’re down your trousers, they’re in your shoes, they’re in your hair. They’re everywhere. It’s not like football where you do the occasional slide tackle now and then and you’re running about. We spent a lot of time on the ground.”

Frequently he would find the granules in his gum shield. “You would do a tackle, you would been down on the ground and they would be in your gumshield. Talk about prolonged exposure in a place where you can absorb it! If you get it in your gumshield it’s rubbing up against your gums.”

One of the reasons Mr Mustapha has asked himself whether there might be any cause to his cancer is because the form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, [presenting in the testicle] is rare in the young – and he was 25 when diagnosed.

“I had diffuse large B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It initially presented in my testicle and I thought it was testicular cancer. I had to have that surgery to remove that tumour. But then they said it was non-Hodgkin

You would do a tackle, you would been down on the ground and they would be in your gumshield. Talk about prolonged exposure in a place where you can absorb it!

lymphoma, and when you look at studies of that, when it presents in that way, there aren’t many cases of it happening in people below 40 – the majority are in their seventies, and I was only 25.”

The two years running up to his diagnosis, he said, were those during which his regular play and training had shifted from grass to 3G crumb pitches. “I’ve sometimes asked why did it happen then in my life? That’s why that report made me ask questions. That was the first time I had prolonged exposure continuous­ly.”

Mr Mustapha played regularly on 3G pitches for two years from 2014, as a player for Stirling Clansmen, and back then regarded it as a privilege compared with grass. Sometimes he would be on 3G surface three or four times a week.

On diagnosis at 25, he wondered if the cancer’s cause could have been that he was overweight – but his doctor dismissed that theory. Afterwards, Mr Mustapha moved to Cambridge to be with his family for a while. He had six rounds of chemothera­py as well as some in-patient treatment starting in November and, by the end of December, the cancer was gone.

Mr Mustapha returned to American football, and has played on multiple 3G pitches since then. “I’ve now got two children which is quite something because when I had one of my testicles removed, one of the recommende­d treatments for the lymphoma was to irradiate the remaining testicle to reduce the risk. I opted not to do that because I wanted to have children at some point and it would ruin the chances of that.”

Harmful effects

AS someone who spent a lot of time in contact with the crumb, Mr Mustapha is among a particular subset of players who would be more likely to experience any harmful effects it might have. Also in this group are rugby players and goalkeeper­s.

The possibilit­y that goalkeeper­s might be more impacted has been the focus of campaignin­g for 15 years by American coach Amy Griffin. She started to notice what she believed to be a pattern of excess cancer in the group.

The list she kept of goalies and other players with cancer became the trigger for a Washington State investigat­ion. That 2017 study concluded that “exposures from crumb rubber are very low and will not cause cancer among soccer players”.

However that investigat­ion had its critics, including Richard Clapp, an American epidemiolo­gist and cancer expert, who said the report’s “language represents false reassuranc­e based on faulty logic and methodolog­y”.

He told The Herald: “I don’t think there has yet been a proper epidemiolo­gical investigat­ion of the health risks of playing on crumb rubber pitches. There may be some under way in Europe, but those are not yet published to my knowledge. The studies in the US are inadequate or, in some cases, deeply flawed.

“Because there are suitable alternativ­es to synthetic turf, I think the proper health-protective approach is to pause further installati­on of turf fields. This is based on hazard assessment. We don’t need to go further down the synthetic turf/infill path at this point.”

Some scientists are questionin­g why, given there are other options, many countries are persisting with crumb. “Crumb rubber and other toxic infill materials... are easily avoidable,” he said. “If we don’t have to expose people, especially children, to carcinogen­s then let’s not.

“Cancer is widespread already, so why add to that burden by allowing even small amounts of carcinogen­s into the environmen­t unnecessar­ily?”

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 ?? ?? Left, six years ago, Malik Mustapha was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system which he thinks may be related to his time playing on 3G pitches
Left, six years ago, Malik Mustapha was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the lymph system which he thinks may be related to his time playing on 3G pitches

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