The Herald

Internatio­nal march backs independen­ce


A GROUP of pro-Scottish independen­ce activists based in the Netherland­s are to stage the first internatio­nal march for the cause.

Scottish speakers and musicians have been invited to the event, which aims to mobilise expat Scots as well as local citizens.

The event is scheduled for April 22.

Organiser Raimon Dijkstra, of Netherland­s For Scottish Independen­ce Group, said: “I have been interested in Scotland and its history my entire life.

“About seven or eight years ago, I visited for the first time with my dad. And the interest turned into a love for the greatest country on earth.

“Then I started being active online in creating pro-independen­ce artwork right before the 2014 referendum.

Mr Dijskstra, 43, who is aiming for a 1,000 strong turnout, added: “After the result, I felt gutted and felt the need to do something more. And having been politicall­y active here in the Netherland­s, I joined the SNP and have been a member ever since.”

“There will be a fair number of Scots coming over,”

High-profile Scottish independen­ce activists James Scott, of the Scottish Resistance, SNP and CND member Gwen Sinclair, SNP member Gregg Brain and musicians Kevin Gore, Bobby Nicholson and Amanda Brown have been invited.

Meanwhile, a group calling itself Germans For Scottish Independen­ce Group is aiming to mobilise Germanbase­d supporters for the event.

Colin MacPherson, a member of the group, said: “Our members come from all walks of life, Scots and Germans living in Germany, Scots and Germans living in Scotland.

“Like other groups in the Yes movement we are currently reorganisi­ng ourselves in order to be ready to do whatever we can to help Scotland on its road to Independen­ce.”

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