The Herald

Rangers firm told to reveal documents


A JUDGE has ordered a company involved in litigation with the liquidator­s of “oldco” Rangers to hand them documents relating to the action.

Lord Doherty ordered Rangers FC Group Ltd to hand RFC 2012 plc files that will help the latter understand the exact nature of the action which has been brought against them.

The judge made the order following a short hearing at the Court of Session in Edinburgh yesterday.

Lawyers acting for Rangers FC Group Ltd are seeking a £2.8 million payment from RFC 2012 plc.

The company has gone to Scotland’s highest civil court in an attempt to ask judges to review a decision made by RFC 2012 plc, which before it went into liquidatio­n was known as the Rangers Football Club plc.

Rangers Group believes RFC 2012 plc owes it cash as it is a creditor of the now defunct business.

However, RFC 2012 plc has refused to give Rangers FC Group Ltd any cash because it believes it isn’t legally entitled to any money.

This has prompted Rangers Group to go to the Court of Session with the hope of persuading a judge there to reverse the decision made by liquidator­s.

Judge Lord Doherty gave permission for RFC 2012 plc to be given the documents, which their lawyers believe will help them defend the case.

Lord Doherty added: “I will allow the commission of diligence to take place.”

The case will next call sometime in the near future.

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