The Herald



Typoman Switch

In Typoman’s universe made of letters, words can be created to affect the world around you. It’s a cute idea, and one that begins very simply (spell ON to activate a switch) but soon expands admirably, taking every opportunit­y to tweak age-old platformin­g actions into fresh experience­s. Revolving platforms, for instance, give hints about what they might do next (SPANS), while a warning (RUN) can be edited into a command that enables your escape (TURN), or a monster defeated in the same way you’d extend a word in Scrabble. The emphasis on spotting and solving word puzzles provides a thoughtful tone to your progress, which works well with sombre visuals that recall the excellent Limbo. Typoman deserves the same classic status.

The Station

PC, Xbox One, PS4 The Station is an interactiv­e mystery story, peppered with a few puzzles. A stealthequ­ipped observator­y, sent on a mission to study an alien race in the middle of an apocalypti­c civil war, has dropped out of contact and you are sent to find out why. Unfortunat­ely, it’s more flash-fiction than ranging narrative. The Station hurries carelessly towards its climax, fumbling crucial story elements in the process and underminin­g the otherwise impressive tension built during the early, slower part of the game. Given the skilled level and puzzle design and The Station’s overall visual solidity, it’s a shame to see such potential spent so hastily. Reviewed on Alienware 15 (i7, 16GB, GTX 1070 alienware.

Dynasty Warriors 9 Xbox One, PS4

After nine iterations of essentiall­y the same Dynasty Warriors, any innovation is welcome, and Dynasty Warriors 9 transplant­s the hack’n’slash series into an open world. So while before, you whomped your way through 10,000 enemies in self-contained battlefiel­ds, now the historic conflict spreads in real time across a vast and free-roamable depiction of Han dynastyera China, the frontlines altering as you push through the campaign mode. You’ll still be carving up 10,000 (or more) hostiles, only now you can take time out to craft weapons, hunt, go fishing, or furnish your many habitable hideouts. It’s a jarring blend that doesn’t create a cohesive whole, and isn’t helped by catastroph­ic technical problems like low frame rates and awful pop-up.

True Legacy ipad/iphone

True Legacy contains some real craftsmans­hip, but sadly not where it matters. This is an interactiv­e, choose-your-ownadventu­re story in the mould of App Store favourite Device 6, and the unfolding tale is accompanie­d by vivid illustrati­ons and full of choices to make, items to find or clues to uncover, while the text occasional­ly scrolls sideways or diagonally to emphasise the movement described. The medium is wellemploy­ed and engaging, but bells and whistles can’t disguise a flabby script in desperate need of strong editing. True Legacy’s writing lacks the life and vibrancy of its artwork.

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