The House

Why Russell T Davies’ new TV drama set during the 1980s Aids crisis has an ‘almost unbearable resonance’ for Chris Smith

Compelling­ly wri en, brilliantl­y acted and pulling no punches. The result? Classic Russell T Davies. Go watch it, you’ll love it

- Lord Smith of Finsbury Non-Affiliated Peer

Writer Russell T Davies Director Peter Hoar Broadcaste­r Channel 4

Iwas diagnosed with HIV at the start of 1988; so this ve-episode series, about the lives and loves and experience­s of a group of gay men in London in the 1980s – and their encounters with the burgeoning Aids epidemic – has almost unbearable resonance. Authored by Russell T Davies, it is in fact the rst time he’s tackled Aids full-on, on screen, and as a result it’s very good. It’s compelling, brilliantl­y wri en and acted, full of interestin­g and engaging characters, and very moving. Go watch it, please. I can remember all too well the early onset of the epidemic – and it’s well portrayed here in the opening episode. e rumours of a “gay cancer” that were beginning to surface in New York. e ignorance, the fear, the prejudice. e locked wards and the isolation and the rubber gloves. e urge to deny it all, amongst some. (How reminiscen­t of the “Covid is a hoax” brigade.) The patent and pathetic remedies recommende­d by all sorts of quacks. (Donald Trump and bleach comes to mind.) e increasing feeling amongst gay men of being scared out of our wits.

But also, at the same time, the love and care that came from friends and lovers. One of the strongest characters in this series is Jill Baxter, played by Lydia West, not gay herself but a real and enduring friend and supporter for the cast of gay characters that she lls her life with. She becomes in a way an anchor for everyone else in the series; and there were these anchors in real life, of exactly this kind, who didn’t succumb to the prejudice and who hugged and touched and cared and made an incredible di erence.

e series has a wonderful and colourful cast of characters. Central to the story is Ritchie Tozer, played by Years & Years lead singer Olly Alexander, impossibly beautiful, hugely charismati­c, full of energy and intensity, and trying very hard to become

an actor.

And alongside him, the outrageous­ly camp Roscoe Babatunde, played by Omari Douglas, who looks equally at home in drag or in the most immaculate of suits. One of the wonderful things about the series is that these people have fun. e rich variety of characters, and the way their lives intertwine, and the compelling narrative thread that results, is classic Russell T Davies. It works.

Watching the series, the emotion I felt most strongly, though, was one of mounting anger – at the way in which the outside world placed a badge of shame on those it saw as di erent, and even worse, diseased. No sympathy. No sense of care. No humanity. In the 1980s there was already an ingrained fear and bigotry about people who were gay. When Aids surfaced, it became far worse. For those facing the onset of HIV, they (we) were in a very real sense facing two diseases – that caused by the virus itself, and the prejudice that came inexorably with it. is series doesn’t pull any punches in revealing the extent of that prejudice, and the fear of the unknown and the di erent that gave rise to it. You’ll live through all the emotions that we went through, back in those times.

In those early years we all thought we were facing a death sentence. I well remember one of my doctors saying to me, early on a er my diagnosis, that he simply couldn’t tell me what my prognosis would be. (Medical science had yet to ride to the rescue, which – wonderfull­y and thankfully – it eventually did.) “e thing you have to do,” he said, “is learn to live with uncertaint­y.” It was good advice then, in the circumstan­ces I suddenly found myself facing. But actually it was quite good advice for everyone, in all circumstan­ces.

is is must-see television. It takes you intimately into the lives and enthusiasm­s of an u erly engaging group of characters. It tells a gripping story. It gives you a real

avour of what it was like being gay at that time and in that place. You’ll love it.

“One of the wonderful things about the series is that these people have fun”

 ??  ?? It’s A Sin Cast from left: Omari Douglas (Roscoe Babatunde); Nathaniel Curtis (Ash Mukherjee); Olly Alexander (Ritchie Tozer); Callum Scott Howells as Colin MorrisJone­s and Lydia West as Jill Baxter
It’s A Sin Cast from left: Omari Douglas (Roscoe Babatunde); Nathaniel Curtis (Ash Mukherjee); Olly Alexander (Ritchie Tozer); Callum Scott Howells as Colin MorrisJone­s and Lydia West as Jill Baxter
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