The House

Border Wars

An excellentl­y written and highly informativ­e book, Klaus Dodds has produced a brilliant exploratio­n of geopolitic­al conflict The Conflicts That Will Define Our Future

- By Klaus Dodds Publisher Ebury Press

The world is full of border quarrels. Some are simmering, some are dormant, many have burst into volent hostilitie­s, bloodshed, and tragedy.

It is hard to think of single conflict on earth that does not involve direct military clashes at, or near, some nation’s frontier line – or at least with a border dispute lying just beneath the surface.

The age of nation states (there have never been so many as today) has inevitably become the age of walls, stacked barbed wire barriers, mined no-man’s lands, shattered frontier villages, frightened and starving refugees, border forces in sinisterly similar gear everywhere, rumbling tanks and rocket launchers and, of course, endless civilian casualties.

Globalisat­ion has done nothing to slow the spread. In fact, in an age of noble internatio­nalist rhetoric and aspiration the daily reality seems to have pulled grimly the other way.

Why so? Klaus Dodds’ book, Border Wars, brilliantl­y draws this disparate scene together, explaining that when it comes to national borders, however well-delineated and long-standing the demarcatio­n lines – even those carved out by geography and nature – nothing in fact is ever settled.

Natural barriers, for instance rivers and glaciers, shift with climate change: islands appear and disappear; treaties can be, and are, challenged and broken; restless populism presses for closing of porous frontiers and higher barriers “to keep them out”; old territoria­l clashes are inflamed; technology opens up seabed disputes, Artic and Antarctic quarrels and confrontat­ions in increasing­ly crowded inner space.

The informatio­n revolution, with its identity sharpening, its localism and, for the dispossess­ed, its glowing pictures of a better life to be had elsewhere, has poured ample fuel on the flames of border tensions, with countless mini-nationalis­ms revived from the past. The 1982 (entry into force 1994) third UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, with its endowment of continenta­l shelf rights to every recognised state, has played havoc with the freedom of the seas, opening up entirely new perception­s about internatio­nal security and border concerns.

The old assumption that remote island chains and networks, such as exist across the Commonweal­th, have no strategic significan­ce is completely overturned. A different security world emerges, and one which the Chinese in particular have been quick to spot in one coastal or island state after another.

Can we British sit back with sigh of relief here and note that as an island (mostly) the sea nicely defines our frontiers, so none of these problems should worry us? Of course, Britain’s internal history is rife with border struggles, for well over a thousand years. The hope is that they have gone for good, but Ireland and Scotland keep teaching us that they may not have done. Besides, as daily boatloads of migrants also remind us, no country, like no man, is an island – not anymore.

As we look around at the super-tense borders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk, the horrors of Tigray, the revolting misery at the US-Mexico frontiers, the murderous China-India clashes in the Himalayas, the Gaza-Israel stand-off, the Sinai, ( just for a start from a long, long list), the answer is that we should be very worried indeed.

This excellentl­y written and highly informativ­e book reminds us why.

“Can we British sit back with sigh of relief… and note that as an island (mostly) the sea nicely defines our frontiers?”

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 ?? ?? February 2022 Ukrainian soldiers take part in military exercises
February 2022 Ukrainian soldiers take part in military exercises

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