The House

The Housing Safety & Wellbeing Journey to Net Zero:

Based on consultati­on within the sector, Aico the leading founding member have identified the following 5 pillars to reach ambitious targets of becoming Net Zero


Housing = all tenure approach

Explores the skills needed within the Social and private rental sector to deliver the NetZero

Community Education

This agenda has the potential not to just the physically but also socially regenerate homes and communitie­s. We need to engage communitie­s and bring customers along on the journey.


The education system and national curriculum needs to be reviewed to ensure skills are developed now to meet the future demand of a workforce that can deliver

Supply Chain

Existing contractor­s will require to be upskilled to meet the demand of to deliver the net zero. We need focus to be on medium to small and financial support as they may not have the capacity to upskill.


Not all homes can be installed with energy efficiency measures due to structure and location. This will require collaborat­ive working amongst the manufactur­es to identify solutions that will create efficient homes.

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