The Independent

MPs tell Government to take control of ONS


The Office for National Statistics (ONS) should come under the supervisio­n of the Treasury because the Chancellor’s department has “skin in the game” when it comes to the production of accurate economic data, the Treasury Select Committee (TSC) will recommend today.

In a letter to Sir Charlie Bean, who has been commission­ed to produce an official report on the ONS by the Chancellor, Andrew Tyrie, the chairman of the TSC, suggests that the Cabinet Office should be stripped of its nominal responsibi­lity for overseeing the ONS.

The call is unlikely to be universall­y welcomed given the widespread perception that the Treasury is already too mighty in Whitehall, and because of fears of political influence in the production or presentati­on of sensitive statistics.

“The deteriorat­ion in the quality of economic statistics has taken place under the nominal responsibi­lity of the Cabinet Office, a department with no skin in the game … Serious considerat­ion should be given to whether the Treasury should now assume lead Government responsibi­lity for official statistics,” Mr Tyrie writes.

He also makes a stinging criticism of the UK Statistics Authority, currently led by Sir Andrew Dilnot, for being “asleep at the wheel” while the quality of economic data has deteriorat­ed. Mr Tyrie recommends the authority be scrapped and replaced with a “new autonomous body”.

The Royal Statistica­l Society (RSS) said the TSC proposal was misguided. “Strengthen­ing the independen­ce of statistics is laudable but bringing them under the purview of the Treasurywo­uld achieve the opposite … There would be the constant question of whether Treasury had influenced the figures,” said Mike Hughes, chairman of the RSS’s National Statistics AdvisoryCo­mmittee.The Government has ignored repeated pleas from Sir Andrew to remove the 24-hour pre-access that ministers get to the ONS’s key statistica­l bulletins.

Sir Charlie, formerly of the Bank of England, was asked by George Osborne to conduct a review of the ONS’s output after the last election amid widespread concerns about the quality of the agency’s work. His final report is due to be delivered at next month’s Budget on 16 March.

In 2013, the Bank’s Governor, Mark Carney, compared the output of the agency unfavourab­ly with that of the Canadian statistics agency, singling out the ONS statistics on business investment, which he felt were implausibl­e. The statistics were subsequent­ly revised up.

Back in 2011, The Independen­t revealed the Bankhad begun to question the competence of the ONS after it repeatedly released key economic data later than promised.

The TSC also recommends that it should have the right to approve the appointmen­t and dismissal of the chair of the UK Statistics Authority in the same way as it currently does for the head of the Office for Budget Responsibi­lity.

 ??  ?? Andrew Tyrie says the Cabinet Office should cease to oversee the Office for National Statistics
Andrew Tyrie says the Cabinet Office should cease to oversee the Office for National Statistics

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