The Independent

Police in Bristol taser their own race relations adviser


An investigat­ion has been launched after police in Bristol tasered a leading race relations advocate.

Judah Adunbi, 63, was a founding member of the city’s Independen­t Advisory Group, which works to improve ties between the police and ethnic minority communitie­s. He was tasered after apparently being mistaken for a wanted suspect by two police officers.

The incident was captured on video by a neighbour. It showed two police officers attempting to stop Mr Adunbi in the street. Mr Adunbi refused to give the officers his name and became involved in a tussle, resulting in the use of the Taser.

“I felt that was it,” Mr Adunbi later told ITV news. “Because of the way I fell back. The way I fell backward on the back of my head. I was just paralysed. I thought that was it. I thought they were taking my life.”

He added that the incident made him feel “humiliated” and said the police should have been more “polite” in approachin­g him and asking him questions. Instead, the officers were “accusing” him, Mr Adunbi said.

He continued: “It’s a little distastefu­l in my mouth. To know that one of the founder members of the Independen­t Advisory Group which was created some years ago in order to improve [the] relationsh­ip between the Afro-Caribbean community and the constabula­ry and to be treated like this, it’s difficult.” The gated entrance and garages on King Street, Easton, Bristol, where community race relations champion, Judah Adunbi was hit with a stun gun by police (PA Wire)

Mr Adunbi has also represente­d the group on the Crown Prosecutio­n Service’s Community Involvemen­t Panel.

Chief Superinten­dent Jon Reilly of the Avon and Somerset Constabula­ry said: “After reviewing what happened, we voluntaril­y referred a complaint about this incident to the Independen­t Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

“Although we don’t have to refer an incident in which a taser has been discharged to the IPCC, we want to be as open and transparen­t as possible.”

Mr Reilly added that the incident had been captured on the body cameras of the officers involved, who are still on active duties, and that he had met with Mr Adunbi and had a “constructi­ve” conversati­on.

 ??  ?? Judah Adunbi was tasered after apparently being mistaken for a wanted suspect (Sky News)
Judah Adunbi was tasered after apparently being mistaken for a wanted suspect (Sky News)
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