The Independent

Turkish MP chains herself to speaker’s podium in protest at Erdogan powers


A Turkish politician has handcuffed herself to the rostrum in the parliament building in Ankara in protest against proposed legislativ­e reforms that would give President Recep Tayyip Erdogan unpreceden­ted executive powers.

Aylin Nazliaka, an independen­t MP, took to the speaker’s podium during a debate on articles in the

lengthy proposed bill on Thursday and attached herself to the microphone.

The proposed reforms – which proponents in Mr Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) say are necessary to deal with Turkey’s fragile economic and security situations – would abolish the position of the prime minister, giving the sitting president the power to appoint and dismiss ministers, to once again become head of a political party, and to possibly govern until 2029.

Opposition politician­s and democracy activists have said the bill is dangerousl­y close to a form of authoritar­ianism.

Ms Nazliaka’s protest on Thursday forced parliament’s deputy speaker to suspend the discussion on the proposed constituti­onal reforms for several hours. During the recess, one MP unscrewed the microphone from the podium, leading to a fistfight between several female members of Mr Erdogan’s party and the opposition, which Turkish media said resulted in two representa­tives being taken to hospital for their injuries.

Safak Pavey, a disabled MP from the main opposition party, told Hurriyet newspaper she was pushed to the ground by a ruling party member while a colleague was “dragged by her hair.” Thursday’s events marked the third time debate on the proposed amendments to Turkey’s constituti­on has ended in a brawl.

A final vote on the proposals is expected today. If approved by parliament, the reforms would be put to a national referendum. Mr Erdogan has steadily consolidat­ed his grip on power since his election to the largely ceremonial post of president in 2014.

There has been a particular crackdown on members of the opposition, academics, journalist­s and rights activists since a failed military coup in July last year, after which the government declared a state of emergency.

 ??  ?? Independen­t MP Aylin Nazliaka chained herself to a podium inside Ankara’s parliament building, a move that led to a fistfight between female representa­tives (Twitter)
Independen­t MP Aylin Nazliaka chained herself to a podium inside Ankara’s parliament building, a move that led to a fistfight between female representa­tives (Twitter)

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