The Independent


The problems in some bridge books are ludicrousl­y difficult. Even experts shake their heads. David Bird’s problems are instructiv­e and intended to improve your game


Surviving a bad trump break: many clever plays become necessary when you encounter a bad break in the trump suit. Some of them have to be made before you even know that the trumps are divided in hostile fashion.


West North East South 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ 2♥ Dble Pass 4♠

North shows his three-card spade holding with a Support Double. How will you play the spade game when West leads the ♥2 to East’s ♥J?

West leads the ♥2 against your spade game, East playing the ♥J. What is your plan?

You must win immediatel­y or a club switch will defeat the contract. Next you turn your mind towards withstandi­ng a 4-1 trump break. You may have to lose the lead twice more (once in trumps, once in diamonds) and the defenders can then force you in hearts if dummy’s trumps are exhausted. What can you do about it?

Suppose you continue with ace and another trump. West will hold up the king for one round. If you play another trump, West will win and force you; eventually you will lose control. If instead you leave West with ♠K-8 and set up the diamonds, West will force you when he wins his ♦K and score two trump tricks.

The winning play is to lead the ♠2 from your hand at Trick 2. West ducks and dummy’s ♠Q wins. You now lead the ♠5 to the ♠10. If West wins, dummy’s ♠J will guard against a force in hearts. If instead West ducks the first two rounds of trumps, you will simply cash the ♠A and play ace and another diamond, setting up dummy’s side suit.

It is a more difficult hand than it may at first seem!

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