The Independent

Labour takes lead in polls despite ‘smear campaign’


Labour has moved ahead in the polls amid allegation­s about Jeremy Corbyn’s meetings with a former Czech agent in the 1980s. A new YouGov survey put Labour up one point to 42 per cent, ahead of the Conservati­ves on 40 per cent, in the first poll since claims first emerged about the Labour leader’s contact with Jan Sarkocy, a Czechoslov­akian agent posing as a diplomat.

Opponents seized on the reports in an attempt to discredit Mr Corbyn but the latest Yougov poll for The Times found the attacks had almost no effect on the Labour leader’s popularity ratings. Only 8 per cent of voters think less of Mr Corbyn because of the allegation­s, most of whom were Conservati­ve supporters, the poll found. Some 64 per cent said it made no difference to their views, while 6 per cent said it made them think better of him, mostly made up of Labour voters.

Mr Corbyn has dismissed the accusation­s as “ridiculous smears” and provided records to show he was in Derbyshire when he was supposed to be meeting the former Czech StB agent in London. It comes as exMI6 boss Sir Richard Dearlove said Mr Corbyn had “questions to answer” over the affair and could not

“laugh off” the claims.

The former spy chief said holding several meetings with Mr Sarkocy would amount to “stupidity” but if the spy’s claims that many more took place were true then “this affair takes on a completely different aspect”. Mr Sarkocy was branded a fantasist by Mr Corbyn’s allies but Sir Richard, who was posted to Communist Czechoslov­akia, said “everything I learned about the way the StB operated tells me that these accusation­s should be taken seriously”.

The Labour leader accepts he met a Czech diplomat once in 1986, as one of many meetings with ambassador­s, politician­s and activists, but insists he had no idea the man was a spy. He also strongly denies handing over any informatio­n, in response to unsubstant­iated allegation­s that he acted as an informant to the then communist country.

German officials took the unusual step of announcing that there are no records on Mr Corbyn in the former East Germany secret police archive in response to widespread speculatio­n in the British press. A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said: “Richard Dearlove, who as head of MI6 was involved in the infamous ‘dodgy dossier’ that helped take us into the disastrous Iraq War, should not be trying to give credence to these entirely false and ridiculous smears.”

 ?? (Alamy) ?? Tory attacks on Jeremy Corbyn over his involvemen­t with a communist spy have failed to dent support for the party
(Alamy) Tory attacks on Jeremy Corbyn over his involvemen­t with a communist spy have failed to dent support for the party

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