The Independent

Trump appoints Bolton as national security adviser


Donald Trump has replaced national security adviser HR McMaster with the hawkish former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton in the latest White House shake-up. In a sign of the administra­tion’s unusually high rate of turnover, the pro-Iraq war hardliner will become Mr Trump’s third in the role.

“General McMaster’s leadership of the National Security Council staff has helped my administra­tion accomplish great things to bolster America’s national security. He helped develop our America First National Security Strategy, revitalise our alliances in the Middle East, smash Isis, bring North Korea to the

table, and strengthen our nation’s prosperity,” Mr Trump said in a statement. The President said on Twitter that an official handover would occur in April.

“I am thankful to President Donald J Trump for the opportunit­y to serve him and our nation as national security advisor. I am grateful for the friendship and support of the members of the National Security Council who worked together to provide the President with the best options to protect and advance our national interests,” Mr McMaster said in a statement.

Mr Trump’s initial pick for the role, General Michael Flynn, stepped aside after it emerged he had misled officials about conversati­ons with the then-Russian ambassador; Mr Flynn subsequent­ly pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents who were investigat­ing potential coordinati­on between the Russian government and the Trump presidenti­al campaign.

In elevating Mr Bolton, a staunch proponent of the Iraq war, the President has chosen an aide whose support for military entangleme­nts abroad would seem to clash with Mr Trump’s “America First” instincts and campaign promises to emphasise domestic issues.

The change also comes at a key moment for the Trump administra­tion’s foreign policy after the President committed to what would be an unpreceden­ted meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to discuss denucleari­sation.

In an interview with Fox News, Mr Bolton called the appointmen­t said: “I’ve never been shy about what my views are, but frankly what I have said ... Is behind me, at least effective 9 April”, Mr Bolton said. “The important thing is what the President says and what advice I would give him.”

A hawkish figure who rose to prominence under George W Bush and a vocal supporter of the American invasion of Iraq, Mr Bolton served in the State Department during Mr Bush’s first term before becoming America’s ambassador to the United Nations.

Critics called the ambassador post an inappropri­ate choice given Mr Bolton’s history of assailing the internatio­nal body, and Democrats later helped force his resignatio­n by blocking a confirmati­on vote.

Mr Bolton has also been a fierce critic of Iran and North Korea, two countries that Mr Trump has forcefully criticised and that will likely continue to feature prominentl­y in the Trump administra­tion’s global posture.

In 2003, when he was serving as America’s chief arms control diplomat, Mr Bolton delivered a speech in Seoul, South Korea, denouncing then-North Korean leader Kim Jong Il as “a tyrannical dictator” whose country resembled a “hellish nightmare”.

The President is no stranger to using vivid language to denounce North Korea, threatenin­g the regime of Kim Jong-un with military force as the country menaced neighbours and tested multiple interconti­nental ballistic missiles in recent months.

But Mr Trump has also embraced a diplomatic opening with his extraordin­ary agreement to meet with Mr Kim. His openness to negotiatin­g an end to North Korea’s nuclear programme contrasts with Mr Bolton’s repeated recent declaratio­ns that diplomatic approaches to North Korea cannot succeed.

In late February, shortly before the White House announced Mr Trump had accepted Mr Kim’s offer to meet, Mr Bolton wrote an article backing a preemptive military strike on North Korea.

Mr Bolton also shares Mr Trump’s suspicion of Iran, a country the President has singled out as a threat to the United States. Mr Trump has frequently excoriated a deal forged during the Obama administra­tion to halt Iran’s nuclear programme.

Warning Mr Obama’s approach towards Iran “has brought a bad situation to the brink of catastroph­e”, Mr

Bolton in 2015 wrote an opinion piece advocating a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“The inescapabl­e conclusion is that Iran will not negotiate away its nuclear program. Nor will sanctions block its building a broad and deep weapons infrastruc­ture”, Mr Bolton wrote, saying that “only military action” can “accomplish what is required”.

That background prompted an outcry from Democrats in response to Mr Trump’s selection of Mr Bolton. Rep Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvan­ia called him a “dangerous radical” with a record of “underminin­g key alliances around the world”, and several lawmakers said he had been discredite­d by his support for the Iraq war.

“Bolton played a key role in politicisi­ng the intel that misled us into the Iraq War. We cannot let this extreme war hawk blunder us into another terrible conflict”, Senator Edward Markey, a Massachuse­tts Democrat, said on Twitter.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? The hawkish John Bolton replaces HR McMaster
(Reuters) The hawkish John Bolton replaces HR McMaster

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